Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 71 Fri Mar 23 Sunny & hot, Temps @ PIR - 9AM 66F (19C), 5PM 84F (29C), 8:30PM 70F (21C)

We trammed into PIR and got there for the last 20 mins or so of the morning Jam session at the Day Stage. It was quite good. Then from 10:30 to noon was Dr. Bucks Wild West Variety Stage Show. It was a great show. Dr. Buck was a real western movie stunt man and was stunt coordinator for the Bonanza series. His partner was also a stunt man and they explained how stunts were done and demonstrated. He said it is a partnership effort, choreographed like a staged dance; in fact it is call “stage work”. They had a Gabby Hayes impersonator and a world champion trick roper/pistol spinner--quite an amazing show. We then went & shared a ridiculously expensive lunch – 3 chicken tenders & fries for $9:00! At least it was really tasty. Our next seminar was Top 10 Tips Every RVer Should Know. Lots of good information. Sheila then went back to the RV while I went to a seminar by Fantasy Tours company, “Grand East Coast Caravan: Maine to Florida”, to see where they went & what time of year. Eventually we want to do that route and we want to see where & when the big tour companies go. I then came back to the RV after stopping to go to the roof of the stadium to take pictures overlooking all the RV’s parked. I came back to the RV to grab a bite & a drink before we headed back for the evening’s entertainment – Bill Cosby. The seating was jammed, that part of the stadium could hold 10,000 and it looked very full. Bill did his famous monologues, mostly on the theme of husband/wife relationships. He’s a lot older now, he said he’ll be 75 this summer—but he’s still funny. The show ended at 8:15 PM. We walked back & were “home” by 8:30.

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