Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 77 Thurs. Mar 29 Mesa. Temps 8:30 AM 67F (19C), 10:30 AM 78F (25.5C); 12:45PM 86F (30C), 1:45PM 89F (31.5C), 6PM 80F (26.5C)

As you can see by today’s temp listings, the temp goes up fast. This morning Sheila is off to a 9 AM Zumba class. Also today at 9 AM they start running trains at the Garden Railway, so I am there! I took lots of pictures & videos; I was hoping to post some videos on the blog, but after waiting over 15 minutes for a 16 second clip to up load I gave up. One of the engines was a “Shay”, that’s a specially built engine with drive pistons that are vertical and drive a worm gear to the wheels. A “Shay” pulled our carriage when we did the Kettle Valley line in the Okanogan. It’s top speed is 25 mph, it is built for pulling power for mining & logging and being able to get up steep grades.
Sheila said the hour long Zumba class was very good. She liked the music & instructor better than GVP’s class, although $5 per session is pricey. On Thursdays here, local Mesa merchants bring in their wares to sell. It’s a smaller version of the well-known weekend Mesa Swapmeet. Booths were set up along roadways beside the clubhouse, in the main parking lot and they filled the very large ballroom. There were some produce items, jams, jellies, sauces, & clothing, but it was mostly jewellery & accessories such as hats, belts etc. Country Kitchen also comes in and provides cheap lunches for customers & vendors.
After lunch, Sheila drove out to a nearby mall, found a Nail spa & booked an appt. for tomorrow. When she returned, we walked to the pool for our 3 PM water volleyball game, and then sat poolside in the sun listening to the music. Sheila tried a new cocktail made with Vodka, Amaretto, OJ, Peach Schnapps & Sprite. Though good, she liked yesterday’s drink, (Peach Schnapps, Vodka, Raspberry liqueur, O.J. & Sprite) more. There was no food except hot dogs & pretzels today, so we ret’d to the RV for a quick supper before dashing out for the evening—me to Mexican Train, Sheila to an on site concert by the “Leisure World Chordsmen”—a senior men’s acapella choir. It was a short concert, (less than 1 hr. long) & Sheila didn’t think their singing was nearly as good as Vancouver’s ‘Gentlemen of Fortune,’ but they did sing some “neat” oldies such as “Yes, Sir That’s My Baby, Alexander’s Ragtime Band, Five Foot Two” & many others of a similar era. They also told lots of funny jokes & one of the Barbershop Quartets, called “Anything Goes” did a humorous routine while they were singing. It was an entertaining show—she wished it had been longer.

1 comment:

  1. Mention of the swap meet reminded me, I forgot to tell Sheila to look for new bed sheets. I found a hole in ours recently and it's been steadily getting bigger because my toes keep getting caught in it!
