Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 63 Thurs Mar 15 sunny, Temps: 9:30 55F (13C), 10:00 57F (14C), 1:00 75F (24C),

Another clear sunny day to play in the pool. Even though it gets cold at night the temperature goes up fast from mid-morning until mid-afternoon. We started the day by going to the breakfast club event at the “Early Bird” cafĂ©. Their cooking is really good. Sheila thinks they’re the best of the breakfast places we go to. We had lunch in the RV then Sheila went to see Gerry & Ross’ new trailer, start the laundry & get her hair styled for the Gala tonight. I borrowed Larry’s small wet/dry shop vacuum to see how it would do cleaning the RV floors. Well, the vac worked great on doing the RV & the car. Then I retrieved the laundry, returned Larry’s vacuum and got ready to go to the Academy of Palms Awards Gala evening. We sat with Larry & Judy. The resort had a red carpet & a special entrance set up through the banquet room with costumed celebrity impersonators on hand to greet people. There was Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow, plus Willie Nelson, Jim Carrey, Arethra Franklin, (I think), Ozzie Osborne, and Tim McGraw. Sheila had her picture taken with Johnny Depp and I had mine with Jim Carrey. It was a fun evening! Our sport, Water Volleyball won for favourite activity and favourite pool side entertainer was Larry Stevens. There were many other categories like funniest RVer, most helpful RVer, wild & crazy RVer etc. The dinner was catered and really good, the full bar was free which Sheila enjoyed. It had a very good selection of high quality liquors and exotic liquers. Periodically they drew for prizes, they called out the numbers on our tickets, (admission was $20). I heard 1 – Yes! 1 – Yes!! 1 – YES!!!, I had just won a free month’s stay at Golden Village Palms worth $645. What a great end to a fun evening!

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