Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 67 Sun Mar 18 grey overcast, rain during night, Temp 9AM 42F (5C), 10AM 45F (7C),

The rain showers continue. Looks like no play time in the pool again, that will make 3 days out of 46 days here at GVP that I didn’t play in the pools. By mid morning the sun is coming out, tho there’s still a lot of cloud and it’s still cool & windy. It did clear enough and sun shone enough to get a half
doz. or so people into the pool for a game but not me as I had things to do on the computer and Sheila was busy with laundry & ironing.. We went with Larry & Judy to see the play “Caught in the Net,” by playwright, Ray Clooney. The play included brunch before the play. They served Champagne & orange juice, coffee & iced tea to go with the quiche & fresh fruit. The food was good, the play was hilarious; it was a sequel to one we saw a few years ago down here. It’s about an English taxi driver who has two wives and families who live a 4 min. drive apart. and his desperate attempts to keep them from finding about each other. Then we went out to nearby Winchester to the Inn there where Rockin’ Rhonda was playing. She plays 4 to 7 every Sunday. We didn’t get there till after 5:45. We met Joan & Endre from GVP there & even ran into Larry Stevens, he did a guest shot & sang a cpl songs with Rhonda. Sheila is finding the low ceilings in a lot of the places we go to makes the sound too loud for her. We had our supper there before leaving about 7:30 and stopped at Winco to pick up last minute supplies before we pull out tomorrow. Larry & Judy stopped in after Sunday night bridge and we had a short, last visit with them.

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