Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 76 Wed Mar 28 Mesa Temps 9 AM 69F (20.5C); 2:15 PM 90F (32C); 6:15 PM 80F (26.5C)

Today is errand day. I went up to the activity center to get the tickets, ($5 each), for Fridays “Luau by the Pool Pot Luck”, (the RV Park will provide chicken, wine, beer, & pop and everyone takes a side dish for the communal table plus there is entertainment – Lou Unga Island Band and Dancers). Then I extended us on Passport America for another 5 days at half price, which makes our check out day Apr 4. All the Cal-Am Resorts, (there’s about 8 here), allow 7 days on Passport America. The half price deal is great, the rates here are $45 a night so I pay $22.50, a great deal for full service & all the facilities. Sheila drove up, picked me up & we went out to do laundry, get some groceries & some 99 cent store supplies. In the grocery store, (Bashas’), they have a “friend” card for savings. We needed milk, the ½ gallon, (2 litres), was $1.97; the 1 gallon, (4 litres), with a “friend” card was $1.57, (40 cents cheaper for twice as much!) We also had lunch out and returned in time for the 3 PM water volleyball game. After the water volleyball game, we sat in the sun enjoying the music, mostly 50 & 60’s hits--very danceable. Sheila tried another one of their speciality drinks and we shared a roast pork sandwich from the Cactus Grill. At 6 it’s back to the RV to change to evening clothes, then up to the clubhouse building for tonight’s Bridge game. It’s called “Partnership Bridge.” You play 6 hands & then change tables and do that 4 times, keeping track of your score. We came in second so we won our $1.00 back plus another $1.50, (only 5 tables playing at $1.00 per couple). They seem to try to play as fast as they possibly can. Sheila didn’t like that & I was not impressed. Why the rush to get in, play your games & get out? After the game we went to an empty room in the complex to set up the computer to check e-mail. That is the one flaw with this RV Park; the WiFi reception is not uniform around the park. I get a weak signal in the RV & most of the time I can’t connect.

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