Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 61 Tues Mar 13 cloudy, cool Temps: 9AM 47F (8C), 2PM 71F (21.6C)

Sheila was up early, (7:30) to work on preparing her marinated veggies dish for the volleyball players Happy Hour get together 2:30 this afternoon. As of 10 AM the sun is starting to poke through the cloud so it should be a nice day later. As expected, we had a clear blue sky & nice hot sun by noon. We finished our Volleyball game/hot tub session and went to listen to Larry Stevens for the last time. He doesn’t play again till after we have left on the coming Monday. At 2:30 we went over to Bob & Cheryl’s site for the Water Volleyball Happy Hour yearly event. It was a great turnout that spilled out onto the street. Lots of nummy snacks & appetizers & a chance to visit with & get to know the people we’ve been spending 1½ -.2hrs. with almost everyday since we arrived. Even Michael, the GVP manager, dropped by and answered any questions we had. We were back to the RV by 5 PM for a quiet evening at home for a change. Sheila finally had a chance to finish her letter to Vicki.

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