Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 72 Sat Mar 24 Temp at PIR - 8:15AM 65F (18C), 4:30PM 88F (31C), 9PM 72F (22C)

I took the tram into the seminars. Sheila walked into the stadium area & then was able to pick up a tram to take her to the north end of the stadium, through the tunnel & onto the inner field where all the tents were set up. The first one was “Tales of the Old West,” presented by historian Dakota Livesay. It covered the settlement of the frontier & life on the westward bound wagon trains. After the seminar, Sheila talked with a lady who had done the tracing of the Oregon Trail west to east and she told Sheila about a couple of websites that provide information. We went into the exhibit hall while we waited for our next seminar(s). Sheila did one on LED lighting & I went to “The History of RVing” covering the early 1900’s to the 40’s. It was quite fascinating to see how popular camping was in the old days. Many towns ran their own municipal campground. Back in the exhibit hall, we still haven’t covered it all, we poked around & bought a cpl gadgets. Then Sheila went to the “I met my Match” prize draw. She had found 1 of the 3 people who had duplicates of her number amongst the thousands of people at the rally. She & her number match each got a T-shirt and their names were entered in a draw for neat RV gifts—most with a value in excess of $75. However, after standing in the sun, (temp. 87 F) for 1 hr. 20 min. hoping to win something, she said she wished she’d never found her match! She was frustrated because the draw could have been completed in half the time, if Marcus Lemonius, the CEO of Good Sam hadn’t kept interrupting the man who was running the draw in order to draw attention to himself & gain PR. The draw actually went from 3 – 4:45 PM. Sheila left at 4:15. She finally decided that even a $250 gas card wasn’t worth collapsing in the heat. For supper, I BBQ’d a couple of pork chops and then we went to tonight’s entertainment concert – Country Western singer Martina McBride, she had a great voice & was a great singer, I had never heard of her before but I enjoyed her show. Sheila also enjoyed her singing, but didn’t like the very loud & very ‘rock’ back-up band she had. We ret’d to the RV to rest up for tomorrow’s fun schedule.

1 comment:

  1. Martina McBride is awesome, I used to listen to her in junior high/high school. =)
