Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 52 Sun Mar 4 sunny, temp @ 9:00 65F, 88F (31C), & up in PM

The plan for today is water volleyball to noon: then a pot luck lunch with Les/Dorothy, Endre/Joan, & us, followed by a Country/Bluegrass jam session in the afternoon at the Elks Hall 3-6 PM with Les & Dorothy. I didn’t have time for a hot tub soak as I had to help set up lunch. We ate outside and had a great lunch—two appetizers, (Les & Dorothy), two salads & ‘make your own sandwiches’, (us) and Key Lime pie, (Joan & Endre). At the Elks Hall the music was more C/W than bluegrass but it was enjoyable. We & Les/Dorothy split a dinner each. The kitchen charged a $1.00 for an extra plate, but then they split the food evenly onto the plates, I think we got more salad than an individual plate and we got 2 nice rolls. It was easily enough for each of us after the big lunch we’d had. The total cost with tip was all of $10.00! We left the Elks about 7:00, came back to GVP and went over to Les & Dorothy’s trailer to play Hand & Foot--the guys won.

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