Friday, February 27, 2015

Wed 25 Feb Day 46

Clear & sunny, only 50 F at 8:00 am but hot later 75+ F

Sheila got up early & went to her 8 AM Zumba class then home for breakfast.  I had my cereal & coffee then off to the pool for VB, Sheila arrived later.  After the hot tub & shower we shared a lunch at the Cabana—a chili renello & 2 chicken faustas, (egg rolls) and listened to Larry Stevens music till 1:30.  Then back to the RV for Sheila to gather laundry & go over to the machines & do it. You need a lot of quarters as it cost $4.75 to wash & dry a load.  We went to SPROUTS, a unique food store, got raisins, dries cranberries, dried apple slices and some neat bread to snack on.  Then a few steps to J & M restaurant where we had been in previous years and which is really good and really inexpensive.  I had one of the daily specials, usual price for most of them is $7.49, but I had the pork ribs dinner for $8.99 including salad, choice of potato – (baked, fries, mashed), vegetables, and dessert, a great deal. Then home for the evening. 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Tues 24 Feb Day 45

Clear & sunny, but a bit cooler

Up early to make the Breakfast Club, (It used to be the Bicycle to Breakfast Club but most people don’t bike anymore partly due to age & partly due to an increase in traffic).   Larry & Judy picked us up & we went out to this week’s restaurant, “La Fogato”.  We all meet at the restaurant about 8:30.  I had a full mushroom & cheese omelette with hash browns and toast for about $8.00.  Sheila had their Spanish Omelette for $1.00 more.  After we came back, I went up to the pool for the game at 10:00.  Sheila said she’d be up but just wanted to lie down for a minute - - she woke up over an hour later & never made the pool! In the afternoon I called the paper because we didn't get Mon. & Tues. papers & discovered that I hadn’t been told that the offer was only for a Thurs. to Sun. delivery, I also hadn't been told I had access to the digital edition 7 days a week, so we can look up TV schedules OK – sort of.  I also tried phoning Ken to see if I could get through, no luck, I don’t know what the problem is. Larry & Judy came over for a stir-fry supper & then Bridge. We had a fun evening.  

Can we get these at home? They are marvelous. We will try to remember to bring some home with us

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Mon 23 Feb Day 44

No rain, no wind, and the sun is out.

We woke to bright sunshine after a cpl or so days of cloud, overcast and really heavy rain last night.  During the VB game the sun periodically went behind a cloud but by noon we had full sun. I went out to the bank for more cash and then to Winco for milk & cereal. I used my debit card at Winco because they don’t take credit cards & I wanted to check & see if there was any difference in exchange rates, between the bank & Winco.  Nope, both identical.

Larry & Judy came over around 2 or so & we played Bridge.  Just as they arrived it sprinkled a bit then later it actually hailed a bit and the temp was down to 54 F, about 14 C, by 5:30 and it will be colder tonight.  The Bridge went well, for me at least, I played with Larry & we got a fast rubber, then after 6 deals we switched partners & I played with Judy & we got a fast rubber as well. Sheila, on the other hand, had mostly ‘pass’ hands & never got to play even one hand in 2+ hrs!  Larry & Judy brought over ice cream & strawberries, which we had with our ‘no-bake chocolate cookies’ from the FoY recipe.  It was a fun afternoon!  After a light supper, I went to play Cribbage while Sheila watched TV at home.  At cribbage you pay $1.00, play 5 or 6 games, (depending on time as they try to finish by 10PM), then the top scores win a prize – the entry $1.00’s split.  I won 4 games, lost one by only 11 points and was in the top scores but then the last game I lost, getting only 85 out of 121. That was enough to put me way out of the money.

Sun 22 Feb Day 43

overcast & cool in AM,  stayed cloudy all day

Despite the weather I went up to the pool for the game. Ten other idiots showed up, so we had a good game in the warm water. No wind, so it wasn't too bad.  Sheila went to Wal-Mart to price sunglasses and get some groceries instead of playing. Outside temperature while she drove there was only 56F, (12 C).  After the game, back at the RV we had a small lunch before heading to Temecula to see the musical play “The Adams Family”.  We drove down with Larry & Judy. The play, put on by the Temecula Community theatre, was excellent.  The actors were great, the singing was very well done and the sound was great, you could hear every word clearly. After the Play we went to Costco to look for some vitamins Sheila wanted and to replace her polarized sunglasses lost at FoY.  She got a nice pair. Then we all went to the Souplantation for supper.  We finally got home, arriving around 8 PM. It rained a lot on the drive home. We turned on the Oscars show which Sheila watched.  I got a bit bored so I went to the computer to do the journal etc. A lot of the nominated movies for the various categories I had never even heard of, including half of the best picture nominations and including the winner, “Birdman”.  Every so often we can hear a bit of rain on the roof which seems to be getting heavier as the evening progresses.  

You asked what we use the table for? Everything that used to sit on the dinette seats, - well almost everything

Monday, February 23, 2015

Sat 21 Feb Day 42

overcast & cool in the morning, Sheila said it was 54 at 8:30

Our paper subscription arrived today so now we get the paper with TV schedules & weather. After breakfast I headed up to the pool and slowly more people arrived.  With the warm water and the weather clearing to sun it was a good game although we only had 23 people out so we didn't split and use the other pool.  After the game Larry Stevens was playing at the cabana so we had lunch there before returning to the RV.  Tonight is the Polynesian pool party from 4 to 6.  I got there at 3:30 to get a good position.  We got a good seating area and waited for the show to start.  Sheila got some of the free Blue Hawaiis & MaiTai’s and we chatted with the people sitting beside us.  The show came on & was quite enjoyable but not as good as the one we saw here a few years ago.  We had pulled pork in a burger bun that was great. However it did get quite cool, I was getting chilled in my shorts & short sleeve shirt.  After we came back to the RV for the evening.

Fri 20 Feb Day 41

 Cloudy & cooler in morning.

It’s cooled, it was only 50 F this morning at 8 AM but it warms quickly with the sun out.  By 10, it was up to 58 F and by 11 or so we had almost full sun through light sparse clouds.  After the game and obligatory hot tub I went to a Canadian Snowbirds Info meeting, nothing new that I wasn't already aware of.  Then back to the RV for R & R before going out to the supper dance at the Elks Hall, our favorite entertainer here, Larry Stevens, is playing tonight.  We went over about 5:30 with Larry & Judy, I signed us all in and we got a table and Larry & Sherry Stevens came to sit with us so it was a great evening.  The food was good & we listened & danced till almost 10. Then back to the RV for the night.

Thurs 19 Feb Day 40

It’s slightly cooler today but still in mid to high 70’s and sunny. So it is “Up, up & away to Water Volleyball then, the  hot tub.  Today there was a Health Fair in the ballroom.  I had my glucose tested and I’m well below any diabetes level, Sheila too.  Then I did a blood pressure test and I came out a little high but this was only ½ hour after a 2 hour volley ball game & 25 minutes in the hot tub so it is as expected. Sheila’s came out at moderately high as it always does.  Dr. H wants her to control it with diet & exercise rather then resorting to medicine and the people in the booth agreed with that.  Before the Health Fair, we sat at the Cabana & listened to the live music & singer Larry Stevens who performs at lunch time regularly a cpl times a week.  After the Fair, it was time to head for the Thursday movie, (seniors are $5.50 every Thursday).  We went to “American Sniper” it is a true story about a lengendary Navy sniper during America’s war with Iraq. It was directed by Clint Eastwood & was quite good. 
After the movie we went out to Angie’s Restaurant for supper.  The décor is that of a 50’s soda fountain.  There are interesting posters & lots of photos of 50’s celebs, like Elvis & M. Monroe on the walls. Thursday’s special was BBQ ribs with baked potato & trimmings, including salad & dessert for under $10.00.  Of course, I had that while Sheila went for the Seniors 6 oz steak, also with soup or salad & dessert.  It was only $9.00!  Then we came back to the RV for her to watch the 2½ Men series finale while I did the usual—blog & expenses.  Then we both watched ‘Elementary’ together.

This is the steering wheel table we got at the White Elephant sale for $3.00. It would maybe work better if the wheel was more flat then it would go from the top to the bottom of the steering wheel but it's fine this way. click on pic to make it bigger.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Wed 18 Feb Day 30

                           MIKAELA’S BIRTHDAY,  7 YEARS OLD TODAY

Sheila got up early & went for the 8 AM Zumba class. She said it was really good and she enjoyed it a lot.  We went up for the regular 10 AM start for the game and played till noon as usual.  After hot tubbing it’s back to the RV for lunch and then out to do errands, - Sheila got her watch strap adjusted so she can finally wear her Christmas watch; we bought tickets for the Thursdays movie; I found a key cutter to make me a duplicate door key; and we found the Coldstone Creamery and had a treat; then I dropped off Sheila & went down to Winco for more milk & cereal for me. We had supper then went up to the GVP’s Got Talent show.  They had 6 acts, all singers, and the audience voted each act out of 6.  Sheila thought that one girl, Joyce should have won at least 2nd, but she was out of the running. Afterwards, we came back to SKYPE Mikaela to wish her a ‘Happy Birthday” and say “Hi” to everyone.  It was not too bad, there was some distortion in the audio & video at times but it went OK and we had a good visit and got to see everyone.  The only problem was, when the girls & Adeline moved towards the  camera so we could see them, their faces were distorted & looked 3–4 X fatter than they actually are.  After our SKYPE session, Sheila tried to phone Vicki to wish her a Happy BD, but for some reason our US phone wouldn’t connect to Canada even though I was able to phone Ken with no problems from FOY.  Fortunately, Vicki could hear that someone was trying to call her from our cell number, so she called us & Sheila & her had a nice chat.

Tues 17 Feb Day 38

 Another hot, sunny day with temps. in the 80’s.

Judy’s grandson is here still and she asked, so we went up at 9 AM to the pool for an early hour of play.  He’s 12 & plays reasonably well.  At 10, he left, the regular people arrived and we played till noon.  Sheila left early but I lasted all the way.  As I said to Judy at noon when we stopped, “I’m glad Logan isn’t here for a third day”, she laughed & agreed.  Sheila had left the game a bit early to shower & change.  After I changed we met at the cabana where they had a restaurant serving lunch and a girl signer, Michele Murray.  She was quite good and we split a lunch of a BBQ pork sandwich with potato salad. Then, it was back to the RV to figure out sending an electronic card to Mikaela for her 7th Birthday on Wednesday. I had to reinstall SKYPE a it seemed to have disappeared from my browser.  It might be slightly cooler today, in the 79 to 81 range. There is nothing on the schedule for tonight so it’s just a relaxing supper & some TV. There was nothing much on that we both like to watch, so we ended up on a channel playing old Big Bang Theory shows.  They are fun to watch even when you have seen them & know the plot. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Mon 16 Feb Day 37

High temp   28 C / 82 F

Some of Larry & Judy’s relative are visiting for a cpl of days so Judy wanted the get her grandson into a volleyball game but as the adults play at 10 she asked some people to come out at 9 AM so we volunteered.  With the sun up & warm plus the pool heated to 80 something, (30 ++), it was not to onerous.  Sheila stopped after the first hour to go back to the RV plus she had some shopping to do.  I stayed through to noon then hit the hot tub.  In the afternoon we made a no-bake cookie recipe Sheila got from Ginger at F o Y, (Ginger & Ron are friends of Leon & Mercy, all from Washington; they are friends of Les & Dorothy Bullis so that’s how we got involved).  Then about 5 PM we went up to the big ballroom for the Fun Club pot luck & white elephant sale.  We had a couple table combined had lots of food.  The white elephant sale was items people had donated and they went by silent auction. I bib on a sun visor for the RV & a table topper that goes on & over the steering wheel to give extra table space, Sheila bid on a sandwich grill similar to the George Forman one we have but lower profile and different shape and on a set of cocktail flavoring mixes, my stuff was $5.00 hers was $4.00.  We came back to the RV a bit after 7 PM.  So now its computer time catching up on expenses, journal, blog & getting pictures off the camera & on the blog and for Sheila checking out TV shows.

Sun 15 Feb Day 36

High temp  28 / 82

We did the usual volley ball & basking in the sun morning, noon & afternoon.  I went out to try to get a newspaper TV guide as the TV Guide magazine only goes from 8 to 10 PM and cost almost $6.00.  As I was about to go into a Walgreens drug store a fellow outside was selling into subscriptions to the local paper, 8 weeks for $16.00. The Sunday paper alone is $2.00 and this way we have it every day so I went for it.  We probably will have to leave before the full 8 weeks but still seems like a good deal.  We worked on helping with prep for the St Patrick’s Day dinner; we cut out the printed tickets & clipped them together into table units. That’s what we were doing on the table outside.  Then we went out to the Sun night Bridge Swiss Pairs game.  This is the one with the weirdest scoring system.  The play itself is fine; you play 5 hands & then switch tables & you play 5 tables, Sheila was getting a little tired by the end of the evening.  Each deal is scored separately, you bid a vulnerable game you get your points, (i.e. 100 for 3 NT), plus 500, non vulnerable is 300.  You bid, for example, 2 spades you get 60 plus 50 points for a non game bid.   The vulnerability changes with the deal, i.e. 1st & 2nd deals nobody vulnerable, 3rd & 4th deals, the dealers vulnerable 5th everyone vulnerable.  This part is fine. What is weird is the actual numbers you put up on the score pad.  You add up your total for 5 deals and then take the difference between your total & opponents total; you then take that figure, look on a table which will tell you a point split.  For example if the difference is between 150 & 300 then the winner gets 12 points & the loser gets 8 points.  This varies all the way from a zero diff to a large difference. The split always adds up to 20 so a zero to 50 difference nets each player 10 points where a large difference gets the winner 19 & the loser 1.  It seems to me to be unbelievably complicated.  Yet some people say that if we want to change the scoring, (which they have used for years & years), they will not play – dumb eh!  Sorry to go on so long but it cannot be explained any shorter & it may still not make sense.   There were 5 tables playing & we tied for 4th place so split the pot of $2.00, so we got ½ our money back.  After we came back to the RV around 10 & turned in.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Sat 14 Feb Day 35

Up and away to the Water VB game (10 to noon).  Then Hot Tub for 20 – 25 minutes, then over to the showers before they close for cleaning.  Back to the RV for lunch and just to relax around the RV before the Pool Party starts at 4 PM. Sheila had to go out to a nail appt to fix her nails that were growing out. While waiting I figured out that the generator uses 0.7 USG of gas per hour, that is if I figured it out right. I will send Ken & Michael a separate email on how I figured it out to see if it is correct. The pool party has a Beach Boys tribute band, named “Wave” something for entertainment, free beer & and a restaurant there to sell burgers to eat, that’s the only thing you need to spend money on there.  It runs to 6 PM. They do have a lemonade made up that I drink at all their events where they are supplying the drinks and Sheila is going to try mixing lemonade with beer to make a Shandy. We went to the pool area a bit before admission time of 4:00 and there was quite a crowd, (the entire pool and patio area, except for a small area for dancing were covered with people sitting in chairs.) I guess the free beer was a big draw.  We took our chairs as requested by GVP and set up by the pool, front & centre.  No one sat in front of us so we had great seats for the show.  The Beach Boys group was really good; they mentioned that they had just finished a Caribbean cruise.  They had lemonade for me to drink but Sheila’s Shandys didn't work out because the lemonade wasn't strong enough to mask the beer taste. They started to play & we got up first number & were the first on the floor, well, first on the concrete pool deck anyway.  The band was very good—they really sounded like the real Beach Boys so there were a lot of people up dancing, including us. Sheila got a burger which came with beans & we split it. The party went till just after 6:00 when it was now dark.  Then it was back to the RV for the evening.

PS I found a way to make captions visible.  I don't make the pictures larger and when you click on the picture it goes to full screen same as before. I can edit previous pictures to make captions readable. 
Our front row seat by the pool

the dance area with band in background

looking north towards the big pool behind all the people

the beach boys group

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Fri 13 Feb Day 34

It was cold again last night, but we were able to use just the electric heater to warm up the RV.  Sheila tried playing today as her arm felt better this morning when she woke up.  She did manage to play the whole time, but it was definitely weaker than usual & it did hurt a bit when she had to hit with it.  However, it was a low-key game, ie. very few good rallies as most of the good players somehow ended up in the other pool.  After Volley ball I sat in the hot tub too long and they had closed the washrooms for cleaning for an hour.  So I sat & listened to the music for a while, and then headed home.  We set it up with Larry & Judy to come over around & and we would try playing bridge in our rig at our table to see how it worked.  I walked over to the Home Depot store at the end of the block to get spare keys cut. They did the ignition key but couldn't do the door key as it was a special design key, not a regular household key.  Then I went over to Target for a Valentines card for Sheila and then walked home, (basically across the road).  I then went up to the clubhouse for the Friday afternoon wine & cheese event, all free.  Every Friday at 3:30 they have a get together for the manager to brief everyone on what’s happening at the resort and for people to announce where they are from which is always fun as most are from BC.  Out of the 30 plus couples there I think 3 were from the US. I ate lots of cheese & drank lemonade. After a light supper we played bridge & it worked fine with the wrap around table and a chair set up in the aisle and there was still space to get around the back of the chair.  We had a fun evening. 

Our site in GVP

Bren working at the table outside, that is not our rig behind me

Sheila looking like she is working too. Our rig & car in picture

Sheila leaning against the side of the motorhome, that is the window above her hand that she had to climb through to get in

Our site # 950 in GVP, the blue tarp is for shade as that side faces west

From the front, Sheila relaxing outside, my bathing suit drying on the side mirror and I believe that tall aluminum pole behind the rig is a WiFi tower

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Thurs 12 Feb Day 33

It is cooler at night here than at FOY, so we actually turned the furnace on in the morning.  It does warm up fast though; we had some breakfast and then off to the 10 AM Water VB game.  It was nice and warm by now so I had a good game.  Sheila didn’t play as her right arm was quite sore this morning, especially when she raised it above her shoulders.  She watched from the coolest of the three hot tubs.  While walking over to the game, Sheila passed the spot we were promised and it was empty, so right after the game we moved the RV over.  I started the gen momentarily to mix the “Stabil” into the gen gas and I noted the hours were at 141.9 so now I can figure out how much gas it uses per hour, (I filled the gas tank on route down and again on route to Hemet so using my mileage from the trip down I should be able to figure it out).  After we got into out regular spot I got the RV set up – slides out, awning out, chairs out, etc. while Sheila went out to arrange a pedicure for tomorrow.  When she returned, we went out to check the local Elks Hall for events and music performers coming up.  Then it was off to Winco for groceries.  While wandering around we discovered that they carry the Kerrygold butter, its still $2 something a ½ pound.  We bought some deli hot chicken & prepared salads for supper as it was now late afternoon.  4 pieces, 2 legs & 2 thighs all dark meat, was under $3.00.  Back at the RV we unpacked, put our purchases away and had supper.  We finished in time to make it to the Mexican Train dominos game tonight.  Sheila did not manage to go out first even once in the 9 games we played! After that we made it back to the RV in time to watch a “Blacklist” on TV.  We then spent some time trying to figure which channels we get and relate them to the TV Guide Sheila bought.  Then, while I went on the computer to do expenses etc.  Sheila just “had to” watch some reruns of sitcoms like  “The King of Queens”  After all, it’s been over 3 weeks without TV!   She says.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Wed 11 Feb Day 32 - We leave FoY & head to GVP

The wind really blew last night and it was still fairly windy in the morning when we woke up.  Sheila got up at 7:15, (I think breakfast at the casino motivated her).  I followed just after 7:30 and started to get things in order & ready to roll.  It’s an hour’s drive to the casino and they only serve the specials until 11 AM. We said goodbye & pulled out of FOY at 9 AM @ 39480. There were road work stoppages on hwy 111 heading north that delayed us about 8 minutes. We pulled into Spotlight 29 casino at 10:10 @ 39523 km.  I had the $3.29 special of Texas French Toast and I got the seniors discount so it was $2.96.  Sheila had the Chairman’s special that we had on the route down, with discount it was $4.31. We left the casino at 11:40 and stopped at a Pilot Station in Palm Springs for my discounted gas. Off road into gas station at 12:10 back out at 12:20. Off down the road and into GVP at 1:15 @ 39589.  In the office we said we wanted to get a spot close as possible to where Larry & Judy were. The girl did a lot of looking around on their plan.  They didn’t have anything empty nearby but 2 spaces were scheduled to empty within a day or two.  They gave us a pull through, site 823, quite close to wait for an empty spot and just fudged the books to look like we were in the spot we wanted, site 950, at our monthly rate.  As soon as the one spot opens up we just drive in and they have us as in it from today. It should all work well all things being equal. We were settled in around 3 and Sheila wanted to go out for a haircut and a nails thing.  I dropped her off at the Hair Salon, then I went to the bank & took out cash, then over to a new Tractor Supply Co. business that has opened since we were here last for some “Stabil” for the gas tank. Then down to get gas for the car and a haircut for me.  I drove back to the RV to find Larry & Judy just arriving but no Sheila yet.  They gave me the tickets they had got for us for tonight’s Garth Brooks show and the Bee Gees show in March.  Then I started sorting all the info we got at check in when Sheila arrived.  The show starts at 7 and it was now well after 5 so we decided to go out to Pollo Loco for supper.  Sheila really likes the way they do their chicken – flame broiled on an open fire grill.  Then home & off to the show.
It was a high energy show.  People around us who know Garth Brooks better than we do said, “The Garth Guy” does a real good job of imitating him & really seemed to enjoy what he was doing.  He had really good musicians playing back up for him, a little louder & more rockish than Sheila likes, but they were good players.
After we get back to the RV, sometime after 9 PM, Sheila discovers she left her drink mug in the washroom so has gone back to retrieve it, she got it OK.  At 10 PM she checked the temp outside on the thermometer I had scotch taped to the outside awning pole, amazing that it was still there!  It read 58 F.  It definitely cools down at night here!  (It was in the low 80’s today).  So ends a busy day, more tomorrow.

Sheila wanted to try swimming in the Salton Sea

Sheila in the Salton Sea floating arms up legs on surface, not sinking at all

Sheila still floating making no effort or movement to stay on surfce

Sheila swimming back to shore

Back on shore, she went a long way out & then decided that maybe she should come in a bit, I had the camera on max zoom to take the shots of her in the water

At Ed & Doreen's rig in the desert at Holtville BLM area

The lagoon by the hot springs hot tub area Holtville

Another shot of the lagoon

On our trip to Borego Springs we stopped on the eastern side of Salton Sea.  Sheila just had to go wading

Tues 10 Feb Day 31

Last day at FOY. Sheila goes down to the pool area early for her 11 AM Water Zumba class. She checks the office and the RV keys are there and as a bonus her sandals missing for over two weeks were turned in last Sun. & are also there, she is still missing her good sunglasses though. I follow at 12 for the water VB which she joins as well.  After the game, we hot tub & sun for awhile, then have Freddy’s lunch special—tune salad on flatbread with fruity coleslaw.  Then we returned to the RV to do cpl things before returning to the pool for the 4 PM game which was a challenging one because it had both sun & wind!  After that, we hot tubbed, showered off & came home for a quick supper of soup before going out to the TNT entertainment that starts at 7 PM.  Hayes Hall was almost full & it was very hot & stuffy inside so Sheila left at intermission to come back to the RV & run the bedroom AC before the 9 PM deadline for the generator.  TNT was the usual mix of some very good entertainers & some not so good.  The two highlights for Sheila were a woman who recited Robert Service’s poem, “The Cremation of Sam McGee” & a 14 yr. old girl, Abigail who sang “You Raise Me Up” in a well-trained, beautiful soprano voice.  She also plays water volleyball very well.
Tonight we will try to get a lot of inside stuff put away so we can leave early tomorrow, Sheila wants to make the Spotlight 29 Casino breakfast special. 

Michael & Adeline's family calendar hanging in the RV. It seems to hold fine & can be seen from anywhere in the living room

Our special calendar taken lunch time Jan 24 - temp 75 F

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Mon 9 Feb Day 30

Today is ‘Wash the RV Day’ so we were up and had coffee & tea, (& pills of course), but no breakfast.  We got the RV ready to move, slides, solar disconnected etc. and went over to the wash area.  The hose is provided and it’s 25 cents for a set period of time when the hose comes on.  It meters time so you can’t just shut the hose off to get more time.  We got it done for around 5 quarters. On route back we dumped the grey tank as it was ¾ full and we drove right past the dump station anyway. The entire process--prep for moving;  washing the RV, (30 min) & dumping the grey tank took a total of 90 min.
Then we cooked up a scramble for breakfast - sausage, red pepper, green onions, and 3 eggs all with toast.  That done, we headed down for the noon game. The action plan for today was noon volleyball then Sheila would do a laundry & I would be on hand the help fold sheets, Sheila would try to get a on a resort computer to email stuff, I would sit in the sun and play in the pool. Then at 3 PM we would go to Freddy’s Happy Hour for drinks & a  quesadilla with sour cream & salsa--all half price.  Then we’d join 4 PM Volley Ball after which I was probably going to return to the RV, while Sheila stayed around the pool area to have supper at Freddy’s & then go to the  free “Dive in” poolside movie at 6:30.  It was to be ‘Blended,” an Adam Sandler movie. I don’t like him so wasn't interested. 

As the VB game ended, the park Avon lady appeared with the products Sheila had ordered & wasn’t expecting until tomorrow afternoon.  So Sheila went off with her in her golf cart to our RV to get the money for the order.   I was sitting in the hot tub when Sheila returned & said she’d forgotten she had left her RV keys in the RV & could she borrow mine. No problem!  I gave her my keys. This is where the heavy ominous music starts playing, so you know something bad is going to happen. I stay in the hot tub for a while, then go & shower & change. The movie is starting in half an hour & I am walking towards Freddy’s looking for Sheila to tell her maybe I’ll start to watch the movie with her when I see her and, she tells me she can’t find the set of RV keys I just gave her!  She walked from the hot tub to car, drove up to the RV and lost the keys enroute!  Of course it’s dark now, so no way we will find them on the ground. Also, by now, both the market where our car was parked and the resort office are closed.  So we head back to the RV, borrow Les’ step ladder & Sheila climbs in a window which fortunately is open because of the daytime heat.  The bottoms of our windows are over 6 feet off the ground. She retrieves her RV keys, unlocks the door and all is well except that my keys are who knows where and Sheila doesn’t have a set anymore because I confiscated her set--they are mine now!  I stayed at the RV and Sheila went down to watch what’s left of the movie, probably only missed the first 10 or so minutes but instead of the nice supper she’d planned on having at Freddy’s, she only had a few peanuts, some tiny animal cookies and a few grapes while she watched the movie. I am running the gen and rear A/C to cool the bedroom.  When Sheila returned she said she liked the movie & thought that I might have too.  Then we had dessert together before I retired for the night & she edited the last two nights blogs.  Hopefully, the keys were found by someone & have been, or will be, turned into the office in the morning.  What happened to them definitely is a mystery!  At least, she was able to get the money for the Avon lady & pick up her stuff on the way home after the movie.

Re pictures

With the following pictures I put captions under them which you can see as they come up but if you click on them to get the full size picture the captions disappear.  
I will add more pictures later  as we are now at GVP with a fully operational WiFi system.
At Orange Grove RV Park

In the dry camp area of FoY left to right is Kevin & Leslie, Les & Dorothy, Us

looking between the rigs, the white lines mark the camp site boundries

Out the front at sunset, note that's my TREO toll sticker on the windshield, not a dirt mark

Out the front in daylight

Sun 8 Feb Day 29

The morning went as usual.  However before heading down for Water VB we packed a cooler with some pop & goodies as our plan for today is, (after VB), to head out to the HQ area for the Salton Sea State Park, (about 30 miles up the road),  to check on the swimability of the lake at the beach area there.  They said no problem but you should have water shoes for the barnacley bottom.  They said it is quite shallow for a ways and a bit weedy but clears up further out.  Sheila didn't go out that far, she was the only one in the water and because of an incident in the pool earlier was a little hesitant to go too far out.  What happened was just near the end of the game she leapt for a ball & got a ‘Charlie Horse,’ ie severe cramp in her lower right leg.  She sat out the rest of the game.  It took a while & lots of massage before it went away. 

I took some pictures of her out in the sea and will post them, (along with a few others), when we get good WiFi at GVP.  After Sheila had showered, essential because of the high salt content of the water, we headed home & stopped to check out the “community” of Bombay Beach about 5 miles up the road from the turn off to FOY.  They supposedly have a good restaurant there called the Ski Run.  However, it doesn't take credit cards & I am getting low on cash so we didn't stay for supper.  Sheila did a quick read of the menu though & said the prices are good for the food & even better for alcoholic beverages.  Wine is only $2.50/glass! Back at the RV we made our supper and then got ready to go down to see a performance by a fellow, Rick Shultz, who ‘does’ John Denver.  He looks like him & sounds like him and it was a wonderful show.  Back to the RV about 8:50, in time to run the gen for 10 mins to run A/C to cool the bedroom a bit as it was 85 F back there when we arrived home.  

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sat 7 Feb Day 28

Another sunny day with high temps.  Neither of us got much sleep after 5:30 am because we knew we had to be up extra early (7:00ish) for the Pancake Breakfast at 8:00 & we didn't have a reliable alarm so we were afraid to go back to sleep @ 5:30 in case we slept in.  Had we known, a “Town Crier” with a megaphone was going to drive by just after 7 reminding people of the breakfast, we could have returned to sleep @5:30 & slept like babes until the town crier woke us!
This breakfast is put on by the resort with the help of a hoard of friendly volunteers the first Sat. of every month during “the season”.  Last year they reportedly served 600+ breakfasts each Saturday.  Cost is $5 each and you get pancakes, eggs fried or scrambled, hash browns, and sausage &/or ham.  I got 2 eggs fried and 4 sausages as well as everything else. They also had coffee & orange juice, plus syrup & ketchup & butter on the tables. Quite the bargain!
After breakfast, we headed out in Les’ truck to visit the other side of the Salton Sea and do a side trip to Borrego Springs.  We went into some of the small settlements on the west side of Salton Sea -- Dessert Sands & Salton City & explored around them a bit.  Then, it was off to find Borrego Springs.  Well we missed the turn we were supposed to take to circle up to Borrego Springs & come back on a lower road.  We went in at the lower road so all our directions were not right.  We saw lots of RV’s parked out in the desert and lots of off road ATV’s driving around as well as some dirt bikes.  There were also several metal sculptures, (mostly of horses) out in the desert that we passed.  After back tracking a few times, we finally made town well past lunch time, so we found a restaurant—Carmelita’s & had a nice lunch. We then headed back on the road we were supposed to come in on & rejoined the hwy to continue around the Salton Sea down to Brawley at the south end.  We stopped at the Wal-Mart there for some supplies and it was dark by the time we came out.  Then Sheila suggested she treat everyone to coffee or whatever at a nearby Starbucks on her gift card.  Great! However at the Starbucks she discovers that she left her card at the RV, so I ended up using my card to pay for Sheila’s treat!  We arrived back at F o Y about 7:30 to 8:00 pm.  There was a dance on tonight but I didn’t feel like going, so she walked down to Hayes Hall with Dorothy Bullis to see what the music was like. There were only 40 or so people there who were dancing lethargically. The group, (aptly named, The Repeat Offenders consisted of a lead singer, 2 guitarists & a drummer who really pounded the skins) played Classic Rock—Sheila was expecting Rock n’ Roll hence was not impressed.  Probably a good thing since she was looking forward  to going, but I was just too tired. 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Fri 6 Feb Day 27

 We woke to another beautiful day starting with temps around 68-70 F & rising to high 70’s, low 80’s by noon. After our usual slow start to the day, Sheila went down for the veggie truck sale but didn’t buy anything as the line was too long to be worthwhile waiting when we didn’t need anything desperately.  She did get some things in the grocery store and got us $40 cash as we are getting low.  The store will let you add money onto your bill that you charge & give you cash.  Very generous as they have to pay the credit card company the fee for the extra $40, but they did not pass that cost on to us!   
When Sheila returned we made Brunch & then went down for the noon game. After the game, I sat in the sun & Sheila went off to do something – computer I think.  She finished around 3 & came back to the RV while I stayed down for the 4 PM game.  Sheila was feeling tired & decided to skip it. After the game, I came back up & Sheila had a nice supper ready after which, she went out to the Musical Bingo game that’s on tonight at Freddy’s Café.  I declined as I am not a Bingo person.  Les had a fire again tonight so I went there & Sheila joined after her Bingo games.  She didn’t win anything, but enjoyed hearing the hits of the 50’s & 60’s  & trying to recall if any of them were the ones listed on her Bingo cards.  Especially, since the caller was very accommodating & would tell the players what the song was if they didn’t recogize it.  The other players were very jovial & often would all sing along to the tunes that were played.  She really enjoyed it and will do it again if she ever gets a chance.
We were late getting back to the RV after the campfire—it was actually almost 10 pm!!  Tsk, tsk!  Sheila was feeling like she might be coming down with a cold, so she dosed herself with extra vitamins & cold medicine & got to bed a bit earlier than usual—11:15 pm.

Thurs 5 Feb Day 26

When we got up the batteries had recovered a little bit and the solar panel was charging the batteries.  Today was also dump tanks day so after our breakfast coffee and tea we got the RV organized to move about 50 feet, I back up about 30 feet, turn the wheels to make a left turn & go forward about 35 feet and I am at the dump station.  Not much movement involved but the slides have to be in and stuff stored so it doesn’t roll off the table, counters etc. That done I returned the RV to it’s spot & ran out the slides and put out the solar panel.  Sheila had left to go down to her Water Zumba class before I moved the RV but the dumping is really just a one person job.  I had lunch and got ready to go down to the noon water VB game.  I got there to discover that the pool was empty.  Apparently someone had an “accident” in the pool & they had to empty it.  So I went over to the other pool where I ran into Sheila sitting in the sun her class being over. I sat in the sun, played around in the pool for quite a while.  Sheila left to change & try the computer room for a free computer.
After that, she returned to the RV about 3 pm to get warmer clothes for tonight & reported that even though it was ONLY 78 F, 25 C outside, it was 89 F inside the RV even with all the windows open.  She says that’s when she’d like to be able to run the AC in it! 
In the afternoon, 3 ish I went over to Freddy’s café and pre-ordered our pizza’s for the Karaoke Nite tonight starting around 4 or 5 or so.  I sat with Leon & Mercy, her brother Richard and his wife Judy and several other people and talked & relaxed in the late afternoon.  Sheila joined us just after 4:00.  The karaoke started and there were some really good singers that could stay on key & on time & didn’t need to look at the words much.  We finally left about 6:40 to head up the hall where the “Duelling Guitars” was starting at 7:00.  They were two residents who were really good guitar players, one played a 12 string, one played a 6 string. Between numbers they took turns telling jokes most of which were really funny, so not only did we have an evening of good music, but we had lots of laughs as well.  It was very enjoyable. At one point in the show, the Canadian player asked any Canadians in the audience to raise their hands. Over ½ of the audience did. We arrived back at the RV about 8:30 in time to run the gen for ½ an hour, (gen time is 8 AM to 9 PM). Then it is ‘‘catch up’ on our daily journal  and assorted other things time” before it’s time for bed.  It is still a mystery why the power went so low other than  the inverter draw, but the lights are fine now.  Once the sun came up, the portable solar panel was charging the batteries well. I did discover a popped breaker on the main panel that may have had something to do with it – who knows?

Friday, February 6, 2015

Wed 4 Feb Day 25

Another sunny day blooms.  Sheila slept in till 9:30 or so.  We made a scramble of eggs & asst. goodies for breakfast that turned out well.  Then I took off to the noon water VB game while Sheila took a pail of clothes to the two giant wash tubs beside one of the washrooms in the dry camping area and washed them.  After which, Sheila went off her line dancing class from 1 to 2:30.  It ended ½ hour early so they could set up for the Casino Night tonight.  Sheila is going, I’m not.  For your $7.50 admission you get $3,800.00 in play money which you can use at the end to bid on items they auction off or you can buy stuff from a little odds & ends store they have set up.  I went last time we were here but I do find that playing Blackjack or Poker or any gambling card game for play money defeats the purpose of the game.  So while Sheila was in her line dance class I stayed by the pool in the hot tub and sat in the sun, (& shade so as not to burn). After her class Sheila went back to the RV around 3 PM and reported that it was 80 F in the shade & 85 F in the sun, (that’s about 27 to 30 C), and it was 85 F in the RV with all the doors & windows open.  Sheila arrived by the pool in time for the 4 PM game.  I played but looking into the sun makes it difficult & I miss balls as I can’t see where they are and that’s on top of balls I just miss anyway. After the game we went to Freddy’s for supper, they serve a very nice meal complete with soup or salad, main dish, and dessert for between $7.50 & $9.50 depending on the dish.  Tonight it was Egg Flower soup, (which was excellent), Teriyaki chicken, rice, an egg roll & dessert, (a grilled pineapple slice, topped with sauce & flaked almonds).   After supper we drove back to the RV where I stayed & Sheila went off to the Casino Night.  She was very tired so she didn’t stay the whole 3 hrs.  She bought one item in the store—a pump for a 3 or 5 gallon water jug and played Blackjack a bit.  She figures she won 1000 dollars play money doing that.  When she left, she gave her unspent money, $2200 to Les & Dorothy to play or bid with.  She brought home a huge piece of apple pie for us to share which only cost $1.50 real money.  I had been charging the computer for quite a while using our 300 Watt inverter plugged into the dash 12V outlet.  It turns out the inverter draws more current than I realized, at bedtime our batteries showed zero charge.  Of course that was from the indicator lights because the interior lights were still working, but dim, and the water pump worked etc. but the batteries were very low. Deal with that in the morning when I can run the generator, even if I have to jump power from the car to the RV to start the generator.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Tues 3 Feb Day 24 - - 3 days were posted today, see note on the title to Mondays blog entry

Tues 3 Feb Day 24

A slow start to a nice day. Weather again in the 80’s with little or no wind. Sheila had a Water Zumba class 11-12, so she went down to the pool area while I did some chores around the RV.  I was supposed to make up a Mac & Cheese with wieners for lunch & then go down for the noon VB game, meet Sheila & both come back for lunch.  Well, I dilly dallied and it was 10 to noon and I hadn’t even started to get lunch ready.  I made up lunch and I finally got down about 12:20 so was too late to join the game so I just sat in the sun until Sheila showed up.  After lunch I worked on the daily journal.  Tonight is a special TNT entertainment night so I will go over early to get some good seats. I may skip the 4 PM game as well just so I’m not rushed getting out of the pool, changed, dried etc, then making supper. This makes a whole day without going into the pool or the hot tub.  Sheila did go down for the 4PM game. She arrived back just as I was getting supper on the table so that worked well. Then about 6:30, I went down to Hay Hall, (with Les & Dorothy), to get seats for tonight’s TNT night special show.  One of the residents here planned & put together a Lawrence Welk show.  She had people portraying the original performers on the show and they did the same format as the original.  It was all quite entertaining. They also had some of the famous guest performers, The Andrews Sisters, The Supremes, and others. There were a lot of performers, all park residents, most, very talented.  It was the best talent show we’ve seen so far. Back to the RV for the end of day chores – dishes, journal, internet if we can get it.

Mon 2 Feb Day 23 Note - in an effort to catch up I am posting more than one a day which would require you to scroll down to get to the next day from the one you read last - - Clear???

Yet another nice clear sunny day with a high of 82 F, (28 C).  We went down for the noon water VB and stayed in the pool area.  After hot tubbing & then drying off in the sun we tried the resort computers and were able to get on e-mail.  Then we went to Freddy’s for their ½ price Happy Hour. Sheila had a nice cranberry wine spritzer, ($2.00) I had a coffee, and she ordered a small plate of appetizer quesadillas.  Then we went in for the 4 PM water VB before coming home.  We made supper of calamari & rice with a marinated tomatoes side.  After supper Les had a fire going so we had a group bonfire evening.  We tried roasting marshmallows but our marshmallows had gotten a bit melted & glued together so didn’t toast very well & were very sticky – good though.  It was a mild evening so it was a very enjoyable time.   The campfire burned down by about 10 pm so we doused it & returned to the RV to do the usual.

Sun 1 Feb Day 22 Superbowl Day

We awoke to absolutely clear blue sky & sunshine. It got up to 80, (30), today.  We had a leisurely morning making French toast for breakfast before going down for the noon water VB game. Sheila did not have a very good game.  She didn't get the ball that often & when she did, she flubbed it!  After the game, Sheila swam lengths while I hot tubbed and sat in the sun to dry off.  We came back home to see how things were going with the Super Bowl set up.  We got all organized and then Les found he couldn't pick up the CTV feed on his satellite dish.  We thought that the FCC had blocked the game from CTV because we weren’t paying for it or showing the US commercials and they weren't getting any money from us for using the game TV feed.  However it turned out that Les may have bumped the receiver or something, he’s going to phone about it tomorrow. Did you watch the game in Canada? We went over to Leon & Mercy’s rig as they have a US dish so could get the game.  We took our goodies over & they had some so we all, (Leon, Mercy, Ginger, Ron, Les, Dorothy, Sheila & I), watched the game in their 5th wheel. They were announcing during the game that the season opening of “The Blacklist” would be on right after the game.  We have the PVR set to record it but I don’t know if it will record it at this special time. I’ll call Ken later to see if he got it and to check our PVR and see if we did. Anyway, it was a close game & came down right to the last play of he game with Seattle on the 1 yard line about to make a touchdown to win when they got intercepted on a pass for the touchdown and lost the game 28 – 24.  The announcers were wondering whose idea it was to chance a pass for the touchdown when they were so close.   We were back to the RV about 7:30 to do the usual.  No expenses today however.  Today was Feb 1 so we changed the calendar to Feb and hung it up by the table.  The picture is of Adeline looking towards the camera with William on her back in a carry thingy.  She is smiling, he is smiling and it is a marvellous picture, it seems to brighten up the RV and really stands out, I love it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Sat 31 Jan Day 21

The sun has returned.  It’s just a little cloudy but mostly sun.  Because of the recent cloudy days the solar panel is not producing to its maximum which means that I need to run the gen set to avoid running the RV batteries really down.  When I eventually fill up with gas on route to Hemet I will be able to figure out how much gas the generator burns per hour. 
Sheila got up and away with Les & Dorothy for the trip to a dentist in Algodones, Mexico @ 8:40 am.  She left me a list of jobs so I was kept busy.  I did stop to go down for the noon Water VB game and to sit in the hot mineral tub & then in the sun.  I returned to the RV to finish my assigned chores before heading out again for the 4PM game which wasn’t on because it’s Saturday & they only play at noon on weekends.  So I got to sit in the sun again.  Sheila phoned to say they were on route & would be here around 5:30 and I should go and order the meal special at Freddy’s because they usually sell out early.  So I went over at 5PM, ordered & paid for dinner so we would have it & then sat out in the patio to await Sheila’s arrival.  About 5:40 I got another call to say they wouldn’t make it until well after 6 possibly 6:15 or so.  Time passed and they finally got there about 6:40. We had a very nice Braised Sirloin Tips dinner complete with salad and dessert, (although we took the dessert to go as they closed at 7 and it was now 5 to). We had our dessert--pineapple upside down cake with whipped cream, in the RV and then settled in for the evening. 

Sheila said her trip to Algodones was successful.  While Les got his partial denture put in, the dentist, Dr. Ramoz examined her, took some X-rays & said that all she needed was a cpl of crowns on the upper left side.  Total price would be $440 for the prep, impressions and two porcelain crowns.  The clinic will keep the X-rays & exam results on file until she decides what she’s doing.  While there, she also found & got an estimate for the same work from a lady dentist, Dr. Gabriela Gonzales who came highly recommended.  It was an even $400!  After Algondones, they went for lunch at Subway, then to the Yuma Swap Meet briefly and then dropped off Les’s book, & visited with some of Les’s friends who are mentioned in his book, “The Little Black Cloud Called Harold”.  It was a very busy day!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Fri 30 Jan Day 20 - NOTE - 2 days published today Thurs & Fri

It rained at night but stopped by early morning.  The overcast sky is blocking out the sun.  It’s still nice though--really mild & no wind.  Sat outside chatting with the group then about 11 went to have lunch & get ready to go down for Water V.B.  We played 12 to 1 then after a short Hot tub, we changed & went to the computer room to try to look up Algodones dentists for Sheila to get estimates from.  Apparently Algodones in Mexico, is a dental mecca for people where dentists educated in the US & certified by the American Dental Association do dental work at less than half home prices. For example, a crown that they list as $1300.00 in the US is $200.00 there. Fillings that are $130-170 in US are only $40-80 in Algodones. The dentists all speak English and from photos all the offices & staff look very professional.  Sheila is going tomorrow with Les Bullis who is getting some work done to she if she can get an estimate on some work
Dr. Caners says she needs done. More in tomorrow’s blog.  So after the computer search we went to Freddy’s for a snack just before Sheila played in the4 PM water VB game.  It had started to cloud over & cool off a little & I was also feeling tired so I skipped the game. She did really well; I think she is getting better than me - - - almost. Then home for supper and an evening of journal writing etc.  Sheila has to be up & ready to go with Les & Dorothy tomorrow by 8:30 to 8:45.

Thurs 29 Jan Day 19

69 F most of the day

It is overcast again today with the sun just a glow through the clouds, not good solar panel weather, I will have to run the Gen tonight. Today we go down to visit Ed & Doreen who are camped in the dessert at the Hot Springs BLM lands area near Holtville – where we have stayed in past years. Its dry camping same as here but it is MILES to the dump station and fresh water supply as opposed to 50 feet from where we are parked here,plus they have to pay to dump & pay for fresh water, also there are no facilities or any organized activities that we have in the RV Park here. They do have a garbage bin and there are two hot springs pools, one is a 2 or 3 person bath tub type, & the only reason we stayed here at all in the past.  Anyway we took off in Les’ truck about 10 AM.  We made a couple of stops on route, one at an auto wrecker to find a hub cap for Les’ truck and then at a 99 Cent store for a couple things to take to Ed & Doreen’s.  Following us down were Kevin & Leslie with their dog Kally, an American bulldog.  He was a rescue dog from an abusive home.  We got to the dessert where Ed is parked and had a pleasant afternoon talking, eating hot dogs, & other stuff. We walked down to the lagoon and all is the same almost.  They have put a fence around the hot springs pools, probably a liability thing.  The Lagoon has grown over in one part with a lot
of bushes & what looks like dead palm tree branches but it is still nice.  We did take some pictures which I will post when I can.  On route back we stopped in El Centro at a donut shop where they sell the leftover donuts from the day in large cake boxes for $4.75 a box, Les calls them “used donuts”.  Then Sheila & Dorothy went to Walmart & Les & I went to Harbor Freight Tools which is like Princess Auto at home but much larger with a great selection of everything automotive & tool connected.  And the prices are low, I got an LED Motion detector light for over the entrance door reduced from $12.99 to $9.99 plus 2 small, very bright LED flashlights complete with 3 AAA batteries included for $2.99.  We then headed home getting back close to 6:30.  We made supper and relaxed for the evening.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Wed 28 Jan Day 18

We got up to a sunny day and had our morning tea & coffee.  Then I went out to socialize while Sheila organized her day.  She left to go to Water Zumba class from 11 to12 PM.  I had some lunch of leftover Hamburger helper and headed down for the noon V.B. game.  After Sheila’s Zumba class she came back to the RV, had lunch, and then went to Line Dancing from 1 – 3. While there, she checked to see if the evening Pool lessons were still on – that’s Pool as in billiards, snooker etc. Meanwhile I sat in the hot tub after the game then went over to the other pool to see if Sheila was there.  After sitting for a while I went in to the computer room, got one & checked my email, sent a cpl. & left as everything else I need to do I need my own  computer for.  The fellow that played for the dance was set up near the lower pool, so I sat and listened for quite a while.  He was still playing and it was now 10 min. to 4 and the sun had gone behind cloud cover so I went & played in the 4 PM V.B. game. After that I sat in the mineral hot pool and then went home where Sheila had a nice supper ready.  We ate corn on the cob, yams & a chicken dish that we bought at a local market. It’s a sliced skinned chicken that is marinated in spices.  It was very good.   Then Sheila is off to her Pool lesson at 7.  When home, Sheila reported that even though she didn’t get to play a game, she got some very good tips on how to hold the “cue”, (ie. cue stick), line up the shot and shoot smoothly.  The instructor, Reggie, had her and another, “newbie” just practising shots while he worked with the more advanced students who were playing games.  Periodically, he’d come
over, watch them for awhile and critique their posture & form.  Of course, that’s when they both did it wrong and the carefully placed ball missed the pocket!  Sheila said, that when she did what she’d been told, it felt really ‘right’, the ball shot smoothly forward straight into the pocket, & for a few seconds she felt like a pool shark!  After recounting this to me, we had a quiet evening in the rig as usual.