Friday, March 29, 2013

Thurs Mar 28 Day 78   52F/11C @ 9AM,  74F/23C @ 12:30PM,  76F/24½C @ 2:30PM

We had a great game of water volleyball, enough people have left that we only had one pool playing with 22 players.  After the game they had Tom Racobs playing at the Palms Cabana but no restaurant serving food, so I went back to the RV, made a sandwich and returned to listen.  A bit after 2 PM I went back to the RV because today’s plan is to go to El Patron for Happy Hour at 3 PM & then to see the movie “The Call” with Halley Berry.  Our usual Thursday Happy Hour place - Emilio’s - was reserved for a big party.  The Margarita’s weren’t quite as cheap as Emilio’s, $4.20 for Sheila’s strawberry Margarita which she said was very good and there were no free appetizers, but they had ½ price appetizers, so we ordered the El Patron sampler to split, it was 4 each of 5 different items and we almost ate it all, (it was huge!).  It would have been a great deal at $10.99, but it only cost $5.49.  We left in time to make the 5:10 PM movie start.  I really liked it, Sheila found it a little too suspenseful, we both liked the ending.  When the movie got out it was too late to make the Mexican Train Dominos game at the RV Park so we just came home and watched TV.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Wed Mar 27 Day 77    57F/14C @ 10AM,   68F/20C @ 12:30PM

After our Volleyball game in the pool we changed and headed out about 12:45 with Larry & Judy to drive up to Idyllwild to see the village and to also see “Silent Valley RV Park” which is a private club park where Neva, a very dedicated water volleyballer, stays in the summer when it is well over 100F, (that’s 40C+), in Hemet.  The park is nice & green right now—lots of grass, large sites & lots of shade trees.  It’d be interesting to see what it’s like during the summer months when the temps are at least 20 degrees higher.  The road up to Idyllwild is narrow & winding, but we made it to the village before 2 pm.  It is like a ski village, although there is no skiing there.  There are lots of unique shops and a few restaurants set out in little village-square type areas.  We were walking around and came on a van with the tailgate door up and this nice Golden Lab dog with a collar & tie just standing there looking out.  The side of the van said “Mayor Max”.  We took pictures sitting on the bumper beside Max.  The whole time, Max just stood there—he never tried to jump out!  A lady came by and said we were invited to the inaugural party for his second term next month.  He really is the mayor of Idyllwild!  He has a web site .  We had lunch eating outside in the sun at Jo’an’s Restaurant & Bar, and then wandered around checking out shops.  Larry bought a jacket that was on sale for 40% off and Judy got a nice pair of earrings & a set of wind chimes.  I found a nice hat but am holding off as we may end up in Leavenworth WA, in May and I’d like to see what they have because that is where Ken found that neat hat that I lost.  Idyllwild is at 5,300 ft, Hemet is at 1500 ft, and parts of the road we drove went through 6,000 ft. the scenic views as we came down the mountain from Silent Valley RV Club to the town of Banning were great, covering the valley east to the wind generators of Palm Springs.  We were looking across the valley to the San Jacinto Mountains which were outlined in light & shadow.  The day was sunny & warm; we took light jackets but didn’t need them.  We arrived back home about 7 PM and settled in for the evening.  Well, I almost settled in, I had to go out for milk & bananas, a slice of pizza for Sheila & money.  As I was pulling out of the car port an animal ran across the road in my headlights.  It was about the size of a large cat but with short legs, a rodent head & snout and had a long thick tail.  It had short fur. It was an opossum. I confirmed that with park residents that they do have opossums around here.  At the bank this time Chase charged me $3 to withdraw US dollars, the last 2 times were no charge, weird. 


Idylwild village

 shop on the main road
 Sheila liked the name of this store
 another store on the main road
 a little nook of stores
 a neat bear carving near town centre
 I liked the Panda's on the roof
 Us at base of a big wood carving
 moving up the statue
 the top of the carving

Sheila with Mayor Max

Tues. Mar. 26 Day 76    48F/9C @ 8:15AM,   62F/16C½@ 9:45,  62F/16½C @ 9:45AM,   67F/19C½ @ 10:30AM,  74F/23C @ 12:45PM

We set our alarm so we could get up to go to the Tuesday morning Breakfast Club at Earlybird Café this week.  After we got back we went up to the pool for the daily volleyball game.  We only had one pool today, (22 players), as some people have already left the park heading for home.  There was also no music or restaurant at the Palm Cabana.  They may have cut that back to Fri/Sat only now, as people leave, we shall see.  Sheila decided we should go see “Life of PI,” so we went off with Larry & Judy for the 2 PM show.  My opinion is that I wasn’t bored, but I wasn’t thrilled either.  If I had missed it I wouldn’t have been upset at all!  Larry & Judy share my opinion.  Sheila, on the other hand really liked it.  She liked the story, & loved the scenery, animals & background music. She said it’s easy to see why it won so many awards at the Oscars.  After the movie we went to the “Hibachi Grill & Super Buffet” for the second time, and Sheila enjoyed it even more—the food is so-o-o fresh & tasty!  I counted the food tables this time.  They had 6 double steam tables each at least 10 feet or more long, plus a sushi station, a carving station with ham & beef, an ice cream area with 6 tubs of different ice creams plus the Mongoli Grill area.  We came home, dropped Larry & Judy off for their Pinochle game this evening, and we will watch TV.  Daylight time is starting to take effect nicely; it is sunny & bright till 7PM now.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mon. Mar 25 Day 75    59F/15C @ 9:15AM,  62F16½C @ 10AM,  80F/26½C @ 1PM

Another beautiful day, so up to the pool for the game.   There was no music & no restaurant today.  It was supposed to be El Patron restaurant. So after the game & hot tub, it was back to the RV for lunch.  I guess I’m not 100% as I felt really tired after lunch and had a lay down for a cpl hours, no symptoms of anything, just tired.  Sheila went out & did a bit of grocery shopping.  After supper, I went over to the Monday night cribbage.  Sheila stayed in to watch “Dancing With the Stars”.   There were only 11 people so when I won I got $4.00. Then back to the RV to watch Castle with Sheila.

Sun. Mar. 24 Day 74    62F/16½C @ 10AM,  75F/24C @ 12:30 PM,  78F/25C @ 3:45 PM

We both went up for water volleyball about 10:15 and played to noon.  Back at the RV, I got myself a light lunch and felt a little tired but generally fine, although, after lunch I lay down on the couch for a while.  Then at about 3:45 we headed out to the Elks Hall for their Sunday afternoon, (4-7), music, dance & dinner, ($7.00 for steak or chicken).  Larry Stevens was playing.  Larry’s wife Sheri sat at our table with us and Larry & Judy Shaffer, so we had a nice time.  I let Sheila dance a bit as long as we were separate & she didn’t twist her leg at all.  It actually works quite well if she dances on her own because she can lift her bad knee & then pivot on one foot. And dances like the rumba & waltz don’t have fast twisting movements.  We finished dinner & headed home.  I’m still feeling a lack of energy so I lay down while Sheila puttered about & watched TV. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sat Mar 23 Day 73      57F/14C @ 9:45AM,     60F/15½C @ 10:30,     63F/17C @ 11:30,   76F/24½C @ 2:30PM
I had a tickle in my throat and was coughing a lot at night so I am tired this morning.   I didn’t go to the pool, just had breakfast & lay down again.  Sheila went up to play water volleyball. I got up about11AM & walked up to where an RV dealer had a Jayco Seneca on display.  It doesn’t have what we want but I talked to the dealer and they are a Jayco dealer just a few miles away in Menifee, CA.  We may drive down to see what they have some day.  I then came back to the RV & lay down again.  Sheila had lunch listening to the music at the cabana with Larry & Judy.  She brought me back a piece of lemon meringue pie.  By 4PM I am feeling better so we may be able to accept Larry & Judy’s offer of sharing their leftover supper from last night, (Judy made a very good bean casserole but like most casseroles it is large and feeds lots).  Then we will play some bridge. Hopefully Sheila has the recipe for the bean casserole somewhere, it was even better than I remembered. For bridge we played 6 hands & then changed partners.  After the 3 rounds Sheila came out on top again, she is consistently comes out on top, except when we play together in the prise games down here, we are never in the money.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Fri Mar 22 Day 72 54F/12C @ 10:15AM,   70F/21C @ 2PM, 

We slept in so missed the Fri. morning breakfast here.  We did get to water volleyball around 10:30, (10:50 for Sheila) and played till noon.  Larry Stevens was playing at the cabana but no restaurant was set up.  Fortunately I had some granola fruit & nut bars so that was lunch while I listened to Larry.  Sheila went out to get a haircut in the early afternoon.  We have a happy hour to attend at Graeme & Joanne Jarvis’s site this afternoon at 4 PM.  It went on to close to 7PM.  Sheila left early, (6:30)  to get ready for  the “Muzic Tastings” starring “Slim Man” which was to start at 6 PM.  “Slim Man” is apparently very well known in jazz circles, he has 11 CD’s out.  I joined Sheila later.  He was backed up with a drummer, keyboardist and sax man Rodney Taylor.  They are all excellent musicians but it is not a type of jazz that I like.  I’m into Dixieland jazz.  After 3 or 4 numbers I left, Sheila stayed.  It was all free, supported by Crater Vodka who had a cash bar for their products. There were a lot of people there, it was well attended so he certainly has fans or at least fans of jazz.  They were even dancing to music that, to me, had no beat, no melody and was not danceable.  But I’m an old fogy so what do I know.  Sheila said she enjoyed most of the numbers—some more than others, but was surprised it was as loud as it was.  She had to use ear plugs, AGAIN!!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Thurs Mar 21 Day71   60F/15½C @ 10:15AM,  72F/22C @ 12:30PM

We had another great day in the volleyball pool.  Home for lunch & chores and to rest up from all the activity of the last week or so.   Sheila finally had time to wash the RV floors.  She said she thinks they were the dirtiest they’ve ever been!  We went out to Emilio’s for the 3 to 5 Happy Hour with the volleyball crowd & Larry & Judy’s friends.   Sheila found it a bit cool at the restaurant, (their AC was working too well!)  so, after one Margarita,  she ordered a hot tea with a side shot of Amaretto to warm up.  An expensive option—it cost $8. for tea & shot, as compared to $3 for a large blended Margarita.  However, when you factor in free hors d’oeurve, (an 8 in. plate of nachos piled high with shredded chicken, cheese, tomatoes, sour cream & olives), it’s still a hell of a deal! Tonight at GVP it is Mexican Train night for me while Sheila is going to stay in to watch TV.  (Actually she napped while I was out.)  I won one of the 3 rounds so got my quarter back – again.  Each night I have been first or second in one of the sets of 3 games each, the most you can win is a whole 75 cents!  Actually the first & second out of 6 players per table wins a quarter. 


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wed. Mar. 20 Day 70    60F/15½C @ 9:30,  72F/22C @ 12:30,  74F/23C@ 1:30,

I was up to the pool a bit after 10 AM as it was nice & warm & sunny.  As usual, Sheila was about 30 min. behind me.  After the game, we came back to the RV to get ready for the Water Volleyball Happy Hour.  Every year we have a giant happy hour with everyone involved invited.  Don & Karen held it this year at their RV site.  Fortunately the site across the road from theirs was empty so they had the food at their site & we set up our chairs there.  Don & Karen made up some Male/female humorous awards, such as “One Most Likely to Hit the Ball to the End of the Pool, Latest to Arrive, First to Leave, Most Likely to Get Someone Wet,  Most Likely to Go Under” etc. I won one for “Quickest Serve”.  It’s a cute little ‘silver’ trophy cup with a little yellow ducky glued on top.  Sheila was sorry they didn’t have a Most Improved” category as she figures she’d have been a “shoe-in” for that.  As she says, when you start as a Klutz—there’s nowhere else to go but up!  It was a cute idea & hopefully will be continued next year.  It all started about 2 and went to 4 or so, when many of us had to leave to get ready for the “Spud Night” starting at 4:30.  We had a table of 8 organized and we stayed till around 7:00 listening to a few people sing Karaoke.  Two of the people singing were Judy & their friend Victor.  Judy & Victor did a duet—Sonny & Cher’s, “I’ve Got You Babe”.  Victor sang 3 more on his own.  He has quite a pleasant voice and the duet was very pleasant also.  Finally back to the RV to catch up on TV and relax, we were both tired, even though it was an early night.   All these fun & games are exhausting!!!!!     
My water volleyball trophy, recieved for "quickest serve"  It turns out I get the ball & serve it immediatly. 

Tues. Mar. 19 Day 69  56F/13C @ 10 AM,  58F/14C @ 10:15 AM,  76F/24C @ 2 PM,  72F/22C @ 3:30 PM

It’s still getting overcast in the early morning & burning off by mid morning.  Today is Breakfast Club at Hemet Dinner in San Jacinto so off we went, leaving in the RV about 8:15 to get there by 8:30.  After returning home we went to Water Volleyball and after hot tub time stayed to listen to Angela, one of the great entertainers they have at the Palms Cabana.  I was still full from breakfast so didn’t eat lunch until I got back to the RV about 2 PM.  Sheila went out to get some stuff for tomorrows events – the water volleyball player’s Happy Hour from 2 to 4 then the GVP Spud night 4:30 to??  Tonight, us, Larry & Judy, Mike & Elaine plus Larry & Judy’s friends from Seattle that are visiting them for a cpl days, Vivian & Victor, are meeting in the breakfast area of the Super 8 Motel, where Victor & Vivian are staying, to play bridge.  Judy’s friend Vivian has a set of cards for changing partners. So we play 4 hands then switch according to the card to see who you partner with at which table.  After 6 rounds, (24 games), I came out the winner and Sheila was second.  It would have been a very enjoyable evening, if it hadn’t been so hot & stuffy in the room we were playing in.  The AC was not working, & since the room is usually only used in the early morning, (6-9 am), it hadn’t been checked or repaired.  Sheila thinks it was probably close to 90 when we started playing at 6:30 pm, though it did cool down a bit when we opened the window.  As we walked back home about 10:15 it was quite cool & breezy—quite a contrast to the environment we’d been in! Sheila did find it too warm but I didn’t think it was all that bad.

Mon. Mar. 18 Day 68    47F/9C @ 9AM,   76F/24C @ 2:30PM

Overcast again but it cleared out by-mid morning for a lovely warm day.  After our volleyball game & hot tub I had lunch at the cabana listening to Larry Stevens.  Sheila stopped & listened for awhile before returning to the RV to have a low calorie lunch. On way back I stopped to talk with Graeme & Joanne & plan our supper out tonight at the Steer & Stein.  We decided to walk over.  When we got there, I discovered that the price had gone up to $16.99 for the 16 ounce steak dinner, (includes soup or salad, choice of potato & garlic bread), so I mentioned to the waiter that the price had gone up from $13.99 last year. When we got our bill the steak was only $15.99.  Proving that it pays to complain about being ripped off, charging $16.99 for the 16 ounce steak dinner, outrageous!!  Then when I got back to the RV I looked up last year and discovered that dinner was actually $15.99 last year and I had noted then that it went up $1.00 from 2011, when it was $14.99. So the $13.99 price was probably from several years ago. Sometimes a bad memory works out well. It’s still a reasonable deal. We have to have early supper, (5 PM), so that Sheila & Joanne could be back to watch “Dancing with the Stars”, the 2 hour premiere episode, while I get to go visit with Graeme in their 5th wheel.  I came back to the RV at 10:00 for Castle.


Sun. Mar. 17 Day 67 St. Patrick’s Day 47F/9C @ 9:30AM,  52/F11C @ 10:30AM,   67/19½C @ 12:30PM,  70F/21C @ 1PM,  71F/21½C @ 4:30PM

This morning was overcast with a thin cloud cover.  However, before 10AM the sky had cleared, the sun was beaming down and it was warming fast.  Into the pool for our game, then the hot tub and back to the RV for lunch.  After which, we played bridge with Larry & Judy on a table outside their RV under the awning, it was nice & warm and a great afternoon. We finished bridge about 5 then Sheila & I headed over to the Elks Hall again for the Sunday afternoon, (4 to 7) dance music & dinner. Sheila wears her knee brace & we danced the fast ones, but separately so there no chance of me turning her & twisting her knee. They had the ‘Marge Kell Trio’ who were great, playing lots of the good old stuff.  For the 50/50 draw they actually did a 50/25/25 split.  They sell 10 tickets for $5.00.  The same person won both 25’s, about $35 each.  While we were there, Sheila asked if the Elks might be interested in cooking the corned beef for Fun Club’s St. Pat’s dinner next year.  She was given a phone number to call about it after April 1st.  Sheila was feeling hungry so she ordered their corned beef & cabbage dinner so we could taste the corned beef their kitchen produces.  She brought some back for Larry & Judy to try also.  After dinner & a few dances, it’s back to the RV again for the evening.  Sheila watched the “Red Widow” mini series show; you already know my opinion of the show. 

Sat. Mar. 16 Day 66   58F/14C @ 9:15AM,  66F/19C @ 10:15AM,  71F/21½C @        4:30PM

We went up for our usual game in the pool and as they had Rob Robertson singing at the cabana I stayed for lunch.  Sheila went back to the RV to have a lower calorie lunch.  Rob is a new addition this year & lives in the park.  He is quite good. He kept going till 2:30 or so when the other entertainers usually finish at 2:00.  Back to the RV to do a cpl of chores, then get ready to go out to the dinner theatre at “Play with your Food” productions.  We had a table of 8 arranged so we each got $5.00 off our tickets.  There was us, Larry & Judy, Tim & Cathy, Janice & Gary all from GVP.  Doors were at 6:00 then dinner at 6:30 followed by the 1st act then dessert at intermission.  Dinner was a choice of salmon in a mango sauce, pork with a blueberry sauce, (it was great, we had it) and beef in bordelaise sauce.  Dessert was a cheese cake with a few fresh strawberries. The play, “Love & Laughter” was based on Russian writer Anton Chekov’s thoughts about love & romance.  His thoughts were presented in two separate scenarios—Act 1 and 2. They were both entertaining but we liked the second act the best because of it’s hilarious portrayal of a gay guy.  We got out about 9 PM so 6 of us went over to the Elks Hall, (5 minute drive), where their St Patrick’s Day dinner & party was finishing up at 10 PM.   We had a cpl of drinks & had a couple of dances before the band stopped playing at 10 PM, then we returned home to the RV.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Here are some of the professionally taken pictures from the Academy Palms Gala night
 Celebrity guests - Tina Turner, Cher, Clint Eastwood, Jim Carrey, Johnny Depp-(Capt Jack Sparrow)
 Cher & Tina Turner with me in background
 Idaho Dave on stage
 Larry, Judy & us on the red carpet at the entrance
 Larry Stevens - voted favorite pool side entertainer
 My 30 seconds with Marilyn
Mega Liquor stores bar supplies - non are mixer, all Liquors & Spirits and all free

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Hear are last years & this years awards.  They are in the window of Bob's park model so that's why the reflection

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Fri. Mar. 15 Day 65   62F/16½C @ 9:30AM,  66F/19C @ 10AM,  83F/28½C @ 2:15 PM 

I am feeling almost back to normal today, just a slight back ache sometimes.  Sheila says she is even more tired today than she was yesterday.  She really enjoyed Emilio’s—good company, good drinks, & good free food!  We went up to play water volleyball and today Larry Stevens was playing so I stayed to have lunch & listen.  Sheila did her water running, (to strengthen her knee) and then went back to the RV to have a lower calorie lunch.  Then I came back to the RV to get ready for the Academy Palms Awards Gala tonight.  They have the red carpet laid out for our entrance and the ballroom is decorated up plus they have celebrity impersonators on hand to mingle and have your photo taken with. Dinner is catered & they have an open bar. Everyone dresses up as much as possible; some people even come in a tux. It’s great fun. Doors opened at 4:30 and as we walked in on the red carpet they had celebrities to greet us & take a picture with.  There was Jim Carrey, Capt Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp), Madonna, and Clint Eastwood as ‘the Man with No Name’ from the spaghetti westerns he did. Just inside the door they had an ice sculpture that they poured a drink in at the top, (Peach Schnapps), and it ran through and came out cool.  Plus the Mega Liqueur Warehouse had a full bar set up with many different bottles of different liquors & spirits, all free, as much as you want, just stand in line to get it. We found our table & I saw there was also Tina Turner & Cher here. All the celebrity impersonators mingled around the hall stopping at tables to talk & pose with people--they were great fun. We had supper, (catered but we still had to line up to get it), they did bring the dessert, (a delicious lemon cake with lemon icing & filling), around to the tables.  Then they started announcing the many awards interspaced with entertainment. We had music & songs from our poolside entertainers, Larry Stevens, Rob Robertson, Michelle, and also from Idaho Dave who plays guitar and did cowboy jokes & songs, (he is a retired school principle, - it must have been a great school to attend). The favourite sport was water volleyball which, much to our delight won over sand volleyball & pickle ball.  The favourite lunch patio entertainment was our favourite, Larry Stevens.  They had awards for males & females nominated for: funniest, most wild & crazy, friendliest, most helpful, most likely to invite you to a happy hour and, most likely to invite themselves, plus awards for: best looking RV site, best happy hour street, etc. etc.  Then towards the end they had Marilyn Monroe come in singing and mingling with the crowd and afterwards posing for pictures. They had the GVP photographer there taking lots of pictures of people so hopefully I can download some of the ones we didn’t get, like me with Jim Carrey and Clint Eastward, (Sheila tried but didn’t push the shutter properly). It was a fun evening, ending a bit before 9 PM.  When we got back to the RV, we looked at some videos of Mikaela showing what she’s learned in gymnastics classes, then Sheila went out to join the awards after party at a site on Fringe Street, the street that won the ‘best block party street award’.  I stayed home to write up today’s journal.   
Sheila with Captain Jack Sparrow AKA Johnny Depp and Madonna
Sheila by the ice sculpture.  A glass goes by the base of the palm tree & you pour the drink in at the top of the palm fronds.
Cher with me
Tina Turner - taken from my seat - I asked her & she did the pose
Marilyn singing
Marilyn & me

Thurs Mar 14 Day 64   65F/18½C @ 9:30AM,  85F/29C @ 1PM,  88F/31C @ 2:30PM

Still sunny and very hot!
I was tired this morning and had a backache.  However, after an hour & a half playing volleyball in the pool, plus the hot tub soak I feel much better. Sheila woke up extra early, 8 am, (probably because she went to bed extra early last night), got up and took a load of laundry to the park Laundromat, after breakfast here, she transferred it to the dryer and managed to get in 40 min. of water volleyball.  For lunch in the RV, I finished the last of the leftover pizza, and Sheila had the leftover roast beef, and then we went out to Emilio’s for the regular water volleyball ‘group & friends’ Happy Hour from 3 to 5.  Driving to Emilio’s @ 3 PM, the car dashboard thermometer temp say it was 34C/93F outside!  We stayed for the Mariachi band at 5:30.  They are really good & animated; they clown around and are a lot of fun.  After we left, I came back to play Mexican Trains & Sheila went to the RV, but had to stay outside for awhile as I had turned off the air conditioning when we went out & it was 88F/31C inside when she got back at 6:30!  After 45 min. with the air conditioning on, it was finally bearable & she was able to go inside and do some things.  I won one of the 3 rounds of Mex Trains so won my quarter back.  I came back to RV to relax & join Sheila watching TV.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Wed. Mar. 13 Day 63   62/16½C @ 9:30AM,   82F/28C @ 12:30 PM

According to LA TV, today is going to be record-breaking temps for this area, the coast, and Palm Springs.  Hemet is supposed to reach temps of 88F/31C.
We loaded the car with our swim gear. our Irish shirts & hats, and any supplies we had for tonight and drove up to the clubhouse/pool area.  I went into the kitchen where Larry & Dick were overseeing the corned beef cooking.  We unloaded our car & Larry’s and moved the supplies into the ballroom.  As there was a Zumba-exercise class on, we couldn’t do any decorating etc. yet.  Sheila went back to the RV to prepare her carrot dish for tonight.  I went over to the pool for a game and then discovered that nobody had taken the swim gear out of the car which was now gone.  I was wearing my swimsuit but I had no hat & no sunglasses--so played the game squinting a lot.  Sheila arrived after 11:30 or so, so only got to play for around 25 minutes.  After shower & changing we headed into the kitchen area of the ballroom to help with preparation.  The next few hours were spent setting up, arranging the beverages and tables, decorating etc.  Several people arrived as well to help.  Cutting the cakes & pies and then setting them out on plates with forks took half a dozen people quite a while to do.  Then around 4 PM Don & I started to slice, (with electric knives), the corned beef.  We started with over 90 pounds uncooked weight, I don’t know what cooked weight was, but there was a lot, enough for 176 people at least.  People arrived with their carrots, potatoes & cabbage and got seated.  Everyone had organized themselves in tables of 8, and they prearranged what each couple brought so that each table had the 3 dishes, plus an appetizer. We then had about a 20 min. ‘Happy Hour’ & then Larry started to call tables.  Don & I did the serving of the meat.  I was really tired by the time everyone had their corned beef.  When I got back to our table, I hardly ate much – did have a carrot cake dessert. Someone asked where we got the desserts as they were so good.  The carrot cake, red velvet cake, apple pie, cheese cake, strawberry cheese cake & chocolate cake came from Costco When it was all finished we worked on clean-up and when we finally got back to the RV I thought it was late in the evening but it was not even 9, it felt like midnight, I was tired and my back was aching.  Sheila was really tired too from being on her feet for so many hours directing the decorating and the general overall stress & worry.  Everything went quite well, people seemed to enjoy themselves, but doing this really gave us an appreciation of all the hard work the volunteers put in to produce a function like this and run the other events, games, etc here in the park.  Work that usually goes unnoticed!
The ballroom looking owords the stage from the bar
Sheila & judy working on decorations. The 3 tables are: 1 for beer, 1 for pop & water 1 for wine
Working on cutting up pies & cakes
The pies & cakes being set out on the dessert table
 The tables as we got them decorated, we had 23 tables total
one of our entertainers - Debbie Toovy from Terrace, she writes her own songs, can't read music, just listens to a song & then picks it out.. She is very good

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tues. Mar. 12 Day 62   50F/10C @8:15AM,  68F/20C @10AM,   80F/26½C @12:30PM

Today we are off to 7 Hills Golf course for the Breakfast Club.  Returned, changed & I was into the pool for the game by 10:30—Sheila a bit later.  After the game Larry & I left GVP about 12:30 to drive down to the Costco in Temecula, (it’s about 21 miles), to pick up the desserts, about a dozen assorted pies & cakes, for Tuesdays Fun Club St. Pat’s Day event.  We got them stored in the club house fridge just in time to go to the Volunteer appreciation event starting at 3 PM.  GVP puts it on for all the people that volunteer to help at, and run, the various events and activities.  They had wine, beer, premixed Margarita’s, lemonade, pizza & salad, plus they had ice cream bars for dessert. They also did a draw for prizes donated by various merchants. We didn’t win anything, but Judy did—a $10 gift certificate for the local Coldstone Creamery.   At the end they announced we should finish up &/or take home any leftover pizza, & finish up the liquor, I have almost a full pizza in slices in the fridge!  Another announcement they made was that GVP came in number 17 out of 7,000 RV Parks, partly because of the activities and support of volunteers for events & programs.  Finally back to the RV where it is a nice 79F/26C at 4:30.  No need for supper, I’m full of pizza.  Sheila is out again for some small item to do with decorating, I’m sitting under the awning reading my book, trying not to fall asleep.  We plan a lazy evening in the RV, tomorrow will be busy.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Mon. Mar. 11 Day 61   56F/13C @ 9:15AM,   62F/16½C @ 10AM,    74F/23C @ noon

Up & off to Water Volleyball.  Sheila’s leg is feeling a lot better although she still wears her knee brace; she has tan lines around it now.  I stopped a half hour early to come back to wait for the propane truck.  I just sat outside in the sun & read some more of my Sherlock Holmes book.  Propane truck arrived & I put 12.9 gallons in my 14 gallon tank. The last fill up was Feb 13 so that’s a lot of propane to use in a month considering we are not supposed to be in a cold climate.  It’s the strange weather we’ve been having!  I then visited with Graeme & Joanne Jarvis for a while.   We then had supper and headed off to the Margaritaville show.  It was the same group as last year & I enjoyed the show. Sheila of course, found it loud, especially on the rock numbers which featured an electric guitar, but she enjoyed the Calypso numbers which featured a steel drum very ably played by a young woman. We even got up to dance a bit, but individually.  I don’t want to jive & be pulling or pushing her one way when she moves a different way and end up reinjuring her leg.

Sun. Mar. 10 Day 60     56F/13C @ 10AM,   60F/15½C @ 10:30,   70F/21C @ 1:30

Daylight time has arrived along with some warm weather so it’s not cold at 10AM which was 9AM yesterday. We had enough players to do 2 pools again.  After the volleyball/hot tub sessions we sat at the Cabana where there was a Bailey’s Martini and Irish coffee session.  The “Martinis” were Bailey’s, Irish Whisky & coffee.  Sheila had two – hold the coffee.  Walking back to the RV I ran into Graeme & Joanne Jarvis, (I worked with Graeme at Customs), just arrived at GVP and parked on our street.  As an example of the weird weather down here this year, they said it snowed in Phoenix in late Feb. and that was the first snow they’d had in 24 years!  After lunch, we spent the rest of the afternoon playing Bridge with Larry & Judy at a table outside their RV.  It was nice & warm & there was no wind.  After that, Sheila wanted to go out to the local mall to return something to Claire’s & we wanted to check the March schedule at the Elks Hall, so we stopped for a drink & to listen to the Marg Kell Trio.  I allowed Sheila one waltz, after which we stopped at In & Out Burger for supper--they have quite good burgers.  Then, home for the evening to do journal, expenses and watch TV.  I discovered we are almost out of Propane so I went up to the office & put in an order for a delivery tomorrow.  It’s great that the propane truck fills my tank at our spot and the charge per gallon is the same as going into the filling station which is a rigmarole what with having to unhook, take down the awning etc.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Sat. Mar. 9 Day 59   54F/12C @ 9:30,   55F/12½C @ 10:15 and still @ 12:30

It’s a bit milder today so I went up to the pool for the Volleyball Game.  We had a full pool, (24 people), just after I got there so we split into the other pool as well.  Sheila eventually arrived and we had a good game.  After the hot tub I went out with Larry & Judy to the Costco in Temecula to drop off the pie & cake order for our Wed. St. Pat’s event & have lunch there.  Sheila stayed in Hemet & went out to get her nails done & do some shopping.  We all got back 4:30 more or less and then we all headed out at 5:30 to Emilio’s Mexican Restaurante for Sheila’s birthday dinner.  Sheila & Larry split a pitcher of Mango Margarita’s.  Sheila & I had the flan dessert.  It was very good-- we put it at a 9+ on our scale of great flans, (the flan at Chevy’s being a 10).  The food was very good & the prices fairly reasonable--$10–14.00/meal.  Tonight we turn our clocks back & go to Daylight Saving Time, which means our 10 to 10:30 start in the pool is now 9 to 9:30; the days better warm up fast! 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Fri. Mar. 8 Day 58    48F/9C @ 9:30AM,   55F/12½ C @ 10:30,   46F @ 5:00  PM 

It rained most of the night then stopped & the sun came out through scattered clouds in the morning.  As it seemed to be clearing, I went up to the pool about 10:45.  Sheila followed about 20 min. later.  When I arrived, Pool 1 was full, so 12 people split to the other pool and left 12 in Pool 1.  We had a good game, (with the warm water you didn’t really notice the cooler air unless you stayed standing up for a while).  Five min. before noon it started to sprinkle, so we all got out to put our towels etc under shelter—then, as the rain increased, we headed into the hot tubs. And then it started to HAIL! It was warm enough in the hot tub, but you felt it on your head if you didn’t have a hat.  It stopped after about 5 min. and some people, (the smart ones), got out & headed for the showers.  Less than 5 min. later, it, the HAIL, started again, even harder & continued for more than 20 min.!  It seemed to slow down somewhat so I got out & headed for the showers as did Sheila & Judy a bit later.   By the time I finished changing, the rain/hail had stopped.  I made lunch in the RV, and then we went next door to Larry & Judy’s RV to play bridge.  It rained again for most of the afternoon.  When we got back to the RV, the temp was in the mid 40’s F, (6 or 7 C).  Tonight is Shuffleboard, which I go to.  Sheila went out to set up a nail appt. & do some shopping for us.  Then she will do some work on the decorations for next Wednesday’s Fun Club event.

Thurs. Mar. 7 Day 57   Light rain 50F/10C @ 10AM,   56F/13C @ 12:30PM

It is lightly raining this morning so I will wait until 10:30 or so to see if it stops so I can go up to the pool for the game. Well, at 11:15 it is 54F/12C, it has stopped raining, there is not even a whisper of a breeze and it feels nice so away to the game.  Sheila came about 15 min. later.  We ended up with 7 to a side, (5 on a side when I arrived). After hot tubbing, we came home for lunch. Then, we drove over to the Mega Liquor Store on State St. so Sheila could get the wine & beer for our door prizes at the St. Pat’s Dinner. After that we headed to the Regal Cinema on San Jacinto St. to see the movie, “Argo”. The movie was good, a lot easier to understand what was happening than “Zero Dark 30” was. We ran into some people from GVP who were at the same movie.  We stopped at Pollo Loco Chicken for a quick supper, then made it home in time to set up recording the evening’s shows and then get to Mexican Trains Dominos.  We both won one round so got our quarter back -- a free evening!  Back at the RV, we watched the shows we recorded.  Late at night it started to rain.

Wed. Mar. 6   Day 56  Mostly sunny.  59F/15C @ 10AM,   64F/18C @ 1:45PM

The weather today was better than forecast. It was actually quite warm in the sun and was not cloudy like the forecast said it would be.   I played Water Volleyball for the usual time, 2+ hrs., Sheila joined for the last hour then we both had lunch at the Cabana.  The entertainers today were ‘Janet & Gerry’.  We were not impressed, they were way below the quality that usually perform and that is considering over half a dozen performers.  Back to the RV by 1:30.  Sheila & Judy cleaned & checked out some party tablecloths we were given, and then went shopping for more.  I did my job list – clean mirrors, vacuum rugs & wash lino – that took maybe half an hour or so, then I relaxed in peace & quiet & read until it was time to get supper ready.  After supper, we attended the second GVP Talent Show. There were 8 contestants this time, all singers except for a couple who were bagpipers – they were from Blind Bay, which is in the Shuswap area.  Sheila was disappointed that Debbie Toovy didn’t win as she writes & sings her own material & composes & plays the music to accompany it. She was far more talented than the lady who did win.  After the show Sheila asked Larry & Judy to stop by to discuss more details for the St Pats day Fun Club event we are helping to organize.  Then we watched TV for awhile before turning in. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tues. Mar. 5 Day 55    47F/8C @ 8:15AM,  60F/15½C @ 9:45AM,  68F/20C @ 2:30PM

We went off with Larry & Judy to the Breakfast Club at the Earlybird Café. They meet at 8:30 which means we have to set an alarm--amazing what we will do for food, -  but only once a week!  We got back to GVP in time to make it to water volleyball.  After the usual hot tub session we had lunch at the cabana listening to our favourite performer Larry Stevens until 2 PM.    After lunch, Sheila & Judy went out shopping for St. Pat’s items, while I did R&R, reading, computer stuff, nap in the RV.   Sheila got back around 5 with 2 giant cinnamon buns from Polly’s Pies. We had supper and went out to “Silver Linings Playbook” which Ken had seen & recommended.  After we came back home for more cinnamon buns, (they even had included a cup with extra icing for the buns), and to watch “Body of Proof” on TV.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mon Mar 4 Day 54   62F/16½C @ 10:30AM,  66F/19C @ 1:15PM,  68F/20C @ 2:15PM

I went up to play in the pool while Sheila stayed to do assorted jobs and she will go up to the pool later to do her running in deep water exercise.  She’s not going to return to water V.Ball until she’s sure she’s clear of any viruses.  I had lunch at the cabana listening to music.  In the afternoon I relaxed in the RV reading a book we got at the Palm Springs Library “The Complete Sherlock Holmes Volume 1” It is over 700 pages so I don’t know what could possibly have been left for Volume 2.  That book and two others—all in equally pristine condition came from the ‘Book Nook’ store at the library.  It sells used library books & donated books to raise money for the library’s programs.  The 3 books we bought cost the princely sum of $2.00 total!  When she went out, Sheila left me a list of jobs – “clean mirrors, sweep/vacuum floors & wash lino” – that took less than ½ an hour.  Sheila went out to look for some more decorations she wanted for our St Pat’s Dinner event plus some items we needed.  After supper I went up to the crib games from 7 to 9 PM. I did really well in the first 3 games, only 2 points of a perfect score then in the final game I only got 92, (just over the skunk line), which dropped me down to 4th place so I just won my dollar back.  Sheila was feeling tired after her shopping, so chose to stay in the RV and watch TV.  She’s discovered the “TV Land” station which is re-runs of the top sit-coms.  Tonight, for instance she watched & enjoyed 1 “Mash”, 2 “Cosby” and 1 “Raymond” show.  We also both watched 2 “Hot in Cleveland” shows. We had a Skype call from Michael & Adeline to wish Sheila Happy Birthday. Sheila really enjoys seeing Mikaela & Erica, we just wish the connection was better so we don’t keep losing the call and having a sometimes fuzzy picture & periodic delayed or loss of sound.

Sun Mar 3 Day 53   Happy Birthday Sheila   71F/21½C @ 10AM, 

Sheila regressed a bit.  She woke up with an upset stomach and diarreah at 2:30 AM.  She took some Pepto Bismal which worked after awhile, so she got back to sleep by 4:30 AM.  She’s still sleeping at 10 AM so I will be off to the pool shortly.  It is cloudy today but nice & warm. When I came back from the pool, Sheila was feeling better.  Today is laundry day, plus Sheila needs to go to Wal-Mart to return some water shoes, she purchased that don’t work.  (They sell shoes down here specially for wearing in pools so you don’t slip on the bottom, a lot of the Volleyball players use them). We put the laundry in & headed to Wal-mart, then a nearby dollar store for Sheila to look for more St. Pat’s Day decorations, then finally home to put the laundry into a dryer & have supper.  By then, Sheila was totally exhausted again.  She just had a light supper of soup as she thinks yesterday’s lunch of a half a pulled pork sandwich and then a supper of a burger and salad was too much meat too soon, causing her upset stomach last night.
Just in case anyone actually noticed, I had two Day 46’s so I have changed my journal.  The blog will stay as is and appear to skip a day. Sheila wasn’t up to going out for lunch or supper, (we’ll celebrate her BD another time when she’s back to normal) so, we had supper in and spent a quiet evening watching the premiere of “The Red Widow” on TV. I am not impressed and will not be following it, - I cannot relate to a show where the “good guys” are a bunch of drug smugglers & the “bad guys” are worse drug smugglers.

Sat Mar 2 Day 52      74F/23C @ 10AM,   82F/28C @ 2:30PM, 

Sheila is feeling closer to normal this morning.  She did some research and she thinks she had a “Norwalk” virus which is a winter viral flu thing that lasts for up to 48 hrs.  She is off to water volleyball this morning, she really enjoys it, if she does nothing else she will do that.  After the game & hot tub I just sat out in the sun for a while, then we went to the cabana for lunch & to listen to “Angela” sing, I think she’s tied with “Tom Racobs” for our second favourite entertainer.  At 2 PM, they cleared the cabana area for the afternoon Beer Fest. For $12 you get bratwursts and all the beer you can drink for 3 hours, different types of beer too. The other alcohol-related events – the wine tasting, liqueur tasting, (Sheila went to that one), and the whiskey tasting have all been free,  plus you get free wine & cheese every Friday at the welcome reception, plus they usually have free wine at the various entertainment events here.  Despite all the free booze, we’ve never seen anyone really drunk—I guess by the time they reach our age, they’ve learned how to monitor & control their drinking even though they don’t have to drive home!  This afternoon Sheila & Judy went to see the “Identity Theft” movie while I was relaxing at the cabana & around the pool.  Even though the movie was a bit ‘over-the-top’ in places and predictable; they both enjoyed it because of the great acting of the two main characters—Jason Bateman & Melissa McCartney.   I came back to the RV to sit in the lounge chair Larry loaned us, read, & enjoy the nice afternoon.  When Sheila came back, she & Judy had bought a Lemon Meringue pie and suggested we do up burgers on the Foreman Grills we both have & eat outside.  We had a nice supper followed by Bridge in their RV with a dessert break for pie.  Sheila & I walked up to the ballroom to see what tonight’s dance band was like – One Too Many – Sheila though they might be a bit too loud, (what else is new!!!).  Today she looked up her knee problem on the net & there was a suggestion to help it – get a flotation device and go into a pool and run but without your feet touching the bottom.  She tried it and said her knee felt really good after 5 min. of running.  She’s going to try to do that daily in the hope it will strengthen her M.C. ligament and speed up the healing so she can dance again!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Fri Mar 1 Day 50      65F/18C @ 9AM,   72F/22C @ 10AM,   80F/26½C @ 2:15PM

I went up to the pool for the game and Sheila came later.  She was feeling a lot better but didn’t want to exert herself too much.  After the game & hot tub session we had lunch listening to the music & singer Rob Robertson. Back at the RV Sheila had a rest & I went out for our supplies.  I know we seem to be running to the store every 3 or so days but RV fridges don’t hold that much and we can never manage to run out of everything at the same time.  In the late afternoon, Sheila worked with Judy to inventory the decorations & supplies that were in storage to see what we need to buy for the St Pat’s day event.  The 160 tickets sold out within a cpl hours.  After supper tonight I am going over for the Shuffleboard games, Sheila says she is not 100% yet so will relax in the RV for the evening.  I won 50 cents at shuffleboard so got half my entrance fee money back and had a fun evening.

Thurs Feb 28 Day 49   56F/13C @ 9AM,   67F/19C @ 10:20AM,   76F/24C @ 1:30PM

Sheila got up but was feeling a bit off so she skipped Volleyball.  I went up & played almost 2 hours then hot-tubbed for 20 min.  Had lunch while listening to music, today it’s Tom & Carol Racobs, I think they are second best next to Larry Stevens.  Larry & Sheri Stevens were having lunch at the cabana so I sat with them; his next day to play is Tuesday. I arrived back at the RV around 1:30 to find Sheila lying down on the couch.  She was still feeling sick and had been quite sick all morning starting just after I left, so she is resting/sleeping on the couch.   She sat outside in the sun for a bit but basically just stayed quiet. I went out for some groceries & got her some “Airbourne” pills to take with water. Tonight I will go to the Mexican Trains games while Sheila rests & watches a couple shows we have taped that she didn’t see yet.  Well, I won one of the 3 rounds so I got my quarter back.  Back at the RV & Sheila is feeling a little better. She hadn’t eaten anything all day but in the evening managed some chicken broth and a toasted muffin.  So today we got no movie, no Happy Hour at Emilio’s, and no supper out; however the weather was beautiful.