Monday, March 30, 2015

Sun 29 Mar Day 77

 62 @ 8:45   90 by 12:30

We left all the windows open all night & didn’t turn on the furnace in the morning.  It was in the mid 60’s when we got up.  I went up to give the cats their breakfast etc. & they seemed happy to see someone.  I came back to the RV for breakfast and then went up to the pool for the game.  Sheila as usual followed about a ½ hr. later.  We are still getting enough for a good game with 8 or 9 a side.  Afterwards, it was back to the RV for lunch and kitty-duty check. After lunch Sheila lay down in the A/C’ed back bedroom for a nap.  The Bridge game tonight has been cancelled as not enough people signed up--the park is thinning out.

We decided to go to the Elks Sunday afternoon drop-in dinner dance.  It runs from 4 to 7pm.  They have a limited menu but it is good food. I had the best Liver & Onions I’ve ever had! Sheila’s Chicken Piccatta was also very good & the amount so generous she brought almost half of it home. The entertainer, Steve Knight was pleasant to listen to, (he was a good keyboardist) but not very good at playing dance music. 
Enroute there, the car thermometer read 32 C, 90 F, at about 4 PM. After we left the Elks we came back to the RV and Sheila watched a movie  on TV about the story of Christ which I wasn't interested in, so I went over to check on the cats and watched a cpl of B.B.T. episodes. When I returned, it turns out she got the times wrong & her show goes to 11 PM so I will watch the rear bedroom TV. 

Sat 28 Mar Day 76

 9 AM 66 F,  1:45 PM in RV (windows open, A/C off) it’s 91 F

It didn’t get cold enough last night to warrant putting the furnace on in the morning even with the windows open all night.  We left them open when we went up to the pool.  Michelle Murray was playing & they had a Mexican kitchen doing food so we stayed for all that, getting back to the RV about 1:45.  We started the A/C - both of them - and the inside temp is coming down reasonably fast.  Larry & Judy have gone to Yuma to visit friends so we get to go over to their RV, feed & play with their 2 cats till Tues when they return.  Larry has a satellite dish & a DVR hooked up so we can catch up on some TV shows.  I’ve gotten spoiled by being able to zap through commercials, pause & rewind TV shows at home so I may look into a satellite dish for the RV.   After all there is a limit to how much “roughing it” I want to do.  In the afternoon Sheila took a nap (with A/C on in bedroom) and then went out to Winco. When she came back she said that the dash thermometer was reading 30 C, 86 F.  I had a short nap late in the afternoon.  The heat makes you tired I guess, we aren’t doing that much energetic stuff after Water VB.  After supper in the RV Sheila wanted to watch a skating show so I went over to check on the cats at Larry’s RV. Angel & Annabelle were fine & enjoyed the company; I stayed for a cpl hours while Sheila watched her skating.  The really bright “object” that I saw in the sky last night was back in the same place as last night but it was gone a cpl hour’s later.  It didn’t appear to be moving very fast, if at all, except that is was gone later in the evening.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Fri 27 Mar Day 75

at 8:45 it is already 66 F

With the heat wave predicted before we left to go to the pool we closed all windows, turned on and set the A/C for 77 F and went up for the game.  We had 10 a side and had a great game.  After the game & hot tub time we came back to the RV for the afternoon.  Graham & Joanna Jarvis dropped over as they are leaving tomorrow so we had a nice visit.  It was getting quite hot so Sheila wanted to eat & cook outside.  So I set up the table & put out the Forman Grill and we did burgers and sat outside in the twilight about 6:30 having supper.  There was a really bright star in the western sky and when I looked at it with binoculars it seemed to almost be two objects.  It was certainly bigger than any other star & far brighter.  I was wondering if it could be the space station.  A couple hours later it was completely gone, so it may have been an artificial satellite.  Sheila went up to the pool for an after dark swim & hot tub while I watched TV.  Sheila returned about 8 PM to watch TV.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Thurs 26 Mar Cay 74

 “here come d’ heat wave”  "here come d' heat wave"  It’s 76 at 10 AM

Up & off to the pool for our game in the sun.  No music or food at the cabana today, they may be finished for the season, (the snowbird season is mostly from mid-Nov through to about the end of March).   Back at the RV Sheila has gone out for groceries while I sit in the RV with A/C running.  Thursday is Happy Hour at Emilio’s so we are off with Larry & Judy at about 2:45 to be there around 3 PM followed by a movie at cheap rates, ($5.50). We are going to “Focus”.  We will follow that with a dinner out, with Larry & Judy. The movie was OK, Will Smith was good and it was neat seeing how “grifters—con men & pickpockets work together. Then we went to Abby’s CafĂ©, where we had a gift cert for $25.00 that Sheila won in a raffle at the Medical Fair event a month ago.  We had a nice meal and we split the gift card with Larry & Judy as it was Larry’s birthday coming up on April 5. It was a nice family place, est. in 1910, and the food was very good.  Sheila had grilled catfish for the first time & she said it was very flavourful and cooked to perfection.  We would go again if it was a little closer to GVP; it is clear on the east side of town, over 6 miles away.  After that we came home about 9:00 PM for TV for the evening.  A full, but fun day!
The  Emilio's crowd. At head of table is George, Joannie (in blue), on the left side is Judy, Gordon, Mike, Neva, on right is Larry, Sheila 

on right is Larry, Sheila, Lynn, with Georgia & Dick at the right side end and at the far end is Bill

from other end on left is Dick, Georgia, Elaine, Lynn, on right
is Rose (half out of pic), Janis, Gary, Neva, Mike, Gordon
on right is Rose, Janis, Gary, Neva then on left is Lynn, Sheila, Me, Larry, with George at the other end with Joannie on the left

Wed 25 Mar Day 72

62 @ 8:45, 68 @ 9:45, 90 @ 1 PM

As usual up & away to the pool where we are still getting around 20 out each day.  In the afternoon Sheila stayed at the RV while I went out to get a slow leak in one of the Focus tires fixed and ran a couple of other errands.  Back to the RV around 3:30, Sheila was napping with the A/C running.  The interior stays in the mid to upper 70’s and is reasonable.  Sheila went out to see some people in the park & get some info at the office, and when she came back around 5:30 pm, she said the thermometer fixed to the exterior of the RV, while in the sun, was topped out at 120F/50C, whereas the car dashboard thermometer was only at 28 C which is about 84 F. so, it seems the exterior of the RV does heat up in the afternoon sun & it does affect the accuracy of the temp reading.  The morning is fine and the temp is probably accurate up to 1 or 2 PM as the sun rises on the opposite side of the RV and then slowly moves around to the front and then the thermometer side.  Tonight will be a TV night for us.  Sitting around with the door & windows open, it is quite comfortable inside. The LA news said they are going to have another heat wave this week for a few days.

Tues 24 Mar Day 72

We got up early to make the Breakfast Club by 8:30.  Fortunately it is only about a 3 min drive.  When we left home the car thermometer read 11 C at 8:30, about 52 F, and then on returning to the car it read 16 C at 9:45, about 60 F.  So it does warm up reasonably quickly here and, soon it became a nice warm to hot day with a very little thin cloud. 

After breakfast, we went up to the pool for the game.  There was no music or food at the cabana today so we went back to the RV after the hot tub & showers/changing. Larry & Judy have gone to visit one of Judy’s relatives in Indio.  They recorded this weeks Scorpion and Mike & Molly as they have a dish and a PVR.  Larry gave me the key to their RV and instructions on running their PVR, or DVR as they call them in the States.  So seeing as we were full from breakfast, we went over & watched one show.  Then there was a 2 PM extra volleyball game scheduled as one of the players is leaving to head home & wanted one last game.  That went till 3:30 after which we did the usual hot tub.  When we got back to the RV we went back to Larry’s RV & watched our other show.  It all worked out well.  We had supper in our RV and prepared for an evening of TV & computer Journal/Blog writing etc.  Sheila was feeling really tired, so she lay down for while & slept from 6:30 until 10:20 pm!   

Mon 23 Mar Day 71

only 64 at 10:15 but warming nicely under a clear sky

At the pool we had one pool with 10 a side as people slowly leave the park.  Sheila stayed at the RV to vacuum & dust the interior of the car, (we borrowed Larry’s shop vac as ours is at home on leak standby).  After the game we had lunch at the RV and now Sheila is off looking at bathing suits while I putter around in the RV, vacuuming the floors & carpeting.  Sheila brought some chicken back for supper plus she made a nice salad. Sheila found a couple of suits at local thrift stores but at least one isn’t suitable so it’s going back. I went over to Monday night cribbage but didn’t place in the top 3 so no prize.   Back at the RV I’m waiting for Sheila to finish D. with Stars so we can watch Castle; so I watched something on the rear TV.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Sun 22 Mar Day 70

 58 F @ 8:30 overcast, 76 F by 12:30 mostly clear blue sky

At the pool for the game, we only had 22 out today as more people are leaving, so we stayed in one pool.  A lot of people come down here in Nov, Dec, or early Jan so they’ve been here several months by late March & some are headed elsewhere before heading home just as we used to do, for example, going to Phoenix & Mesa for a cpl weeks, then Vegas for a week before going towards home). By mid-April most of the snowbirds have left.  We came back to the RV for lunch and today are headed for the Elks this afternoon for their 4 to 7 drop-in Sunday dinner dance with Larry Stevens playing.  We are meeting Tim & Karen at the hall.  They are from Willits, north of San Fran & near Clear Lake California.  We met them a few years ago down here.  We had a good time and a nice dinner and home by 7:30 to 8:00. We spent the evening in the RV.

Sat 21 Mar Day 69

62 F @ 8 AM, car thermometer shows 28 C (83 F) @ 2:45

We went up for our game & today we had enough people to split into 2 pools with 6 a side in each.  After the game there was great music at the cabana, (Rob Robinson) so we had a tasty Mexican lunch there and stayed till 2 PM when I needed to go to Winco for supplies & Sheila needed to do laundry.  It gets quite hot in the RV these hot day afternoons, like 85 F & up, so we are using the A/C quite a bit.  Last months electric bill was $39.00, it’ll be interesting to see if this month is higher, (more A/C but less furnace).  We had a small supper, mostly salad, and got set up for Larry & Judy to come over for Bridge.  Our rig works really well for playing Bridge & is nice & roomy for ‘after Bridge’ snack time.  We played for two sets of 6 hands, changing partners after each 6 hands.  As usual, Sheila & I did not manage to draw each other as partners. We had a nice evening with fruit salad & ice cream for afters. You can get 3 types of vanilla here – vanilla, extra creamy vanilla, & homemade style vanilla.  We have no idea what the difference is--neither do Larry & Judy.

Fri 20 Mar Day 68

8 am 60 F clear & sunny, hot in the PM

Sheila got up too late for Zumba so she practiced billiards with the ladies billiards group then went over to the pool.  I stopped at the weight room to check my weight and found that I have gained 2 lbs from several weeks age.  OK, no more BBQ Rib dinners, cut out treats, skip lunches - - - maybe.  Anyway, we had a good game then over to the cabana for the music, (Michelle Murray). She remembered that I liked Patsy Cline songs and did a couple.  Sheila & I split a pulled BBQ beef on a hamburger bun.  You had to eat it with a knife & fork, it was so juicy & good!!!  We are off to the Elks Dinner Dance tonight, 4 to 9:30.  We are going with Graham & Joanna Jarvis, (Graham I know from the post office & Customs), and Ray & Wendy who are in the volleyball group & come from Coquitlam.  We had a nice dinner--the prime rib was great, a good sized piece and for $14.00 included the salad bar & a soup bar that offered the proper clam chowder, which was very good.  The music was great, we danced a lot and everyone had a good time.  We were home by 9:45.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Thurs 19 Mar Day 67

  8 AM 62 F (17 C), 10:15 AM 68 F, almost 80 by 2 PM

We have lost the heat wave & are back to normal morning temps but it is still nice & hot in the PM.  The weather forecast in the paper said showers for the whole area.  It was a bit overcast early in the morning but it quickly cleared to blue sky for the afternoon, no showers or even any threat of rain.  We did our volleyball and got enough players to split into 2 pools.  After the game, hot tub, showers we came back to the RV.  Sheila is off again in the afternoon to try for the finger nail colour change deal again and to mail some Easter cards to grandchildren.  When she finally got home we decided to go out for dinner and seeing as it was a Thursday we went to Angie’s for the $9.99 rib special c/w salad & dessert, (tapioca pudding with whipped cream). Then home for the evening.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Wed 18 Mar Day 66

 8 AM 62 F & a little scattered thin cloud, PM clearing & hot

Sheila was up early for Zumba today.  Just as I got to the pool we hit the 24 mark so we split into 2 pools.  Larry Stevens was playing so I sat with Sheri and Sheila joined us shortly so we had lunch and music today.  Back to the RV and then Sheila went out to the store to get her sparkly green finger nails returned to normal. I stayed at the RV doing household chores.  Sheila returned with her green nails intact.  The nail place did not have the blue shade she wanted; she did but the bottle was back in the RV, so it’s postponed till tomorrow.  We had supper & watched TV in the evening.  Having 2 TV’s is working well; there was a show about the story behind Sound of Music by Diane Sawyer who is a big NBC correspondent and at the same time as CSI Cyber. Sheila said the Sound of Music story was very interesting, she’s glad she watched it.

Tues 17 Mar Day 65

   a little cloud but mostly sun

We forgot to check temps in the morning over the last few days; I think we are settling into a relaxed way of life here. We picked up Larry & Judy and were off to JR’s cafĂ© at State St. & 7th for the breakfast club outing.  After we came back, we went up for Volley ball and as there was no live music today at the cabana we came back to the RV for the afternoon, didn’t need a lunch after a big breakfast, (I had the waffle special which was a full waffle with lots of strawberries and a Kenneth amount of whipped cream plus 2 eggs, 2 sausage and toast, all for $6.49). We had a supper of left over corned beef that was given away at the end of the supper last night.  Then we are going to the Elks for their Karaoke night to check it out, cheap drinks and usually most of the singers are reasonably good.  The cloud has increased a little and a light breeze has sprung up sporadically.  However it is still 76 F at 6:15 PM.  The singers at the Elks weren’t up to usual standards but still sort of listenable but we left after about an hour & a half.  Back at the RV for TV for the evening. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Mon 16 Mar Day 64

I am up and way at 9 AM with Larry & Dick to Costco in Temecula to pick up the dessert cakes for tonight. Sheila went up for the game, they had 10 a side in 2 pools.  We got back at noon after stopping at Costco long enough for a hot dog & drink for $1.50 & a large ice cream strawberry sunday for $1.65. It is still nice & hot, (not necessarily Sheila’s words), for example at 3 PM, the outside temp is 98, inside is 84 with A/C on & set for 75.  Earlier Yvonne brought over a bunch of food stuffs they can’t take with them, (their trailer will be in storage in Phoenix for a month in hot temps so they can’t leave anything perishable in it).
At 2:00. Sheila went up to the clubhouse to help decorate the ballroom for tonight’s St. Pat’s Dinner.  She helped put the green plastic tablecloths on the 40 tables, & then with a very nice couple decorated the front of the stage. She returned sometime after 3:30, to get some nibblies organized for tonight & dress in her St. Pat’s finery.

At 5:00 I went up to the St Pats Day corned beef & all the trimmings dinner event in the ballroom, Sheila made it by 5:30 when they started to call tables up to get your food.  After dinner, we had Larry Stevens entertaining and though he is normally a country/western pop singer he had learned a bunch of Irish songs which people were enthusiastically singing along to.  They drew door prize numbers--2 people on our table of 8 won but we didn't.  We came home about 8:30 or so, after Sheila helped clean up & put decorations away for next year.  We  watched Mike & Molly, Scorpion & Castle on TV, Then Sheila watched a bit of the News Hour where they reported the LA has had 4 days of record breaking high temps, into the 90’s, (30+C).
Larry Stevens performing for St. Pat's event.  The green bags on stage front are the door prizes.

The main ballroom with over 300 attending our St. pat's event, (our table is out of picture on the right side front)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Sun 15 Mar Day 63

 70 at 9 AM again today

Up & off to the pool.  As people are starting to leave around now, (some have been here since Nov/Dec or so), we got less out for water volleyball. We did have a full pool, (23), but only one pool.  Larry came up & videoed us with my camera so depending on how it turned out I may post some of it in the blog if I can.  There is a 2 PM game with the land volleyballers that Sheila stayed for.  I didn’t as my knee is a bit sore from all the dancing I did at the Palms Academy on Fri & Jon Destry’s dance on Sat.  I have it wrapped with an elastic cloth bandage.  It doesn’t hurt hardly at all; it is just a bit stiff to bend so walking & going up & down stairs is the only real impediment and that is minor. I came back to the RV after Hot tub & shower & when I went out to get milk etc the dashboard thermometer in the car said 32 C.  We are going out for an early supper with Larry, Judy, Paul, & Yvonne this afternoon.  We all have the Sunday night Swiss Pairs Bridge this evening starting at 6:30.  We had a nice supper at Angies, then returned to the park for Bridge.  We had 5 tables playing, and we never got Larry & Judy or Paul & Yvonne once in five table changes.  After Bridge, Paul & Yvonne dropped in for a few minutes, for fruit salad & cake.   They will be leaving right after the St. Pats Dinner event, probably around 7 PM, and heading to the Fantasy Springs Casino parking lot for the night prior to heading to Phoenix.  At Phoenix, they leave their truck & trailer in storage before flying to Ft. Lauderdale to take a cruise to the Mediterranean.  After touring Italy, they fly back to Phoenix & travel home via the Grand Canyon with a side trip possibly to part of the Oregon Trail called Independence Rock.  They expect to be back home in Canada around May 15.
This is like Where's Waldo - find Bren, Sheila, Paul, Yvonne

Sheila is at the top left corner

Sheila again top left

There is Paul, Yvonne & Me in this one

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Sat 14 Mar Day 62

  it was up to 70 at 9 AM, no wind today

Sheila couldn’t go to the pool as they told her not to get her perm wet for a day, so I went up and we had a good game with one pool full, 11 to a side. Then back to the RV for lunch.  My knee seems to be bothering me a bit and is a little sore.  I put on an elastic bandage & it seems to help, it doesn’t ache or is painful at all, just a bit stiff going up & down stairs.  After lunch I just relaxed, Sheila worked on the journal so I can get it published on the blog, I’m about a week or more behind! Sheila went out to Winco for supplies & I sort of dozed sitting in the comfy front seat recliner.  When she came back she said the external car thermometer was a constant 33 C which is 91 F.  We had a small bite for supper then off to the Jon Destry dance. He was as entertaining as ever, Sheila says she would rather go to one of his dances with all the neat funny skits & stuff he does that one of the big expensive tribute shows.  
Sofia Loren, me, Dolly Parton, Sheila, Joan Rivers

Sheila shakin it up

Sheila & Yvonne on the dance floor

Fri 13 Mar Day 62

 8:30 AM temp 70 F & quite windy

Sheila got up early and headed off to Zumba class, I eventually got up, had breakfast & when Sheila got back we went up to the pool for the VB game.  It is quite windy and gusty so our awning is in but it is not a cold wind at all, it’s quite comfortable, it just blows the ball around so it makes for a game with lots of laughs, more than normal.

Sheila went out to get a perm for the Palms Academy event tonight; I had lunch at the cabana & listened to the music before coming home. About 6 pm, we went to the clubhouse for the Palms Academy event. They changed the event quite a bit from when we went two years ago.  They did still have celebrity impersonators – Sofia Loren, Dolly Parton & Joan Rivers that you could take pictures with. They didn’t have the entrance way through the banquet room with celebrity greeters, movie posters and fancy decorations. They didn’t do the voting on park events etc so it was shortened, but they did have a very good music group for dancing.  They were good, they did our favorite “In the Mood” and it was swingin! Mega liqueur was there as usual with free drinks, Sheila’s only complaint was that they put too much liquor in the glass and didn’t leave enough room for her preferred amount of mixer. Oddly enough, I’ve never heard any other complaints about that!  We danced a ton & finally left about 10 PM when the band was supposed to quit.  They were still playing when we left and they had been playing non stop from around 8:00 or before.

Thurs 12 Mar Day 61

9 AM temp 62, 2 PM temp 90

Regarding the sometimes high PM temps, I think that they may be being pushed up by the thermometer being on the side of the RV.  It’s in the shade but when it gets quite hot I think that the RV body heats up & affects the thermometer.  Right now, 2:45 PM, the inside temp on the heat/A/C control reads 86.  Anyway, up to the pool for a good game.  Yvonne played as well as Paul.  Then Sheila came back to the RV while I stayed to listen to Michelle Murray sing and have lunch till 1:30.  Then--back to the RV to do some computer work before heading out to Emilio’s for Happy Hour about 2:45.  Then Sheila, Paul & Yvonne are going to a movie “Still Alice”, I’m not, but I will pick up Sheila after at the movie & we’ll decide whether to go out or come home for supper. When I got back to the RV the outside thermometer, which was in full sun because we had pulled in the awning as it was a bit breezy, was topped out at 120 F and the interior temp of the RV was 89 F!  I picked up Sheila about 7 PM and we came straight home. (Paul & Yvonne had decided to walk home from the movie).
  From her description of the movie it was not one I would want to see at all. (It’s the true story of a woman Linguistics professor & author who discovers she has early onset Dementia when she’s only 50.)  Juliette Moore, who played the lead won “Best Actress” at the Oscars & deservedly so said Sheila. 

At home, we watched B.B.T., Blacklist, & Elementary on TV.  The 11 PM news said LA was looking at a heat wave coming in the next few days.  There was also a wind warning for some areas. 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Wed 11 Mar Day 60

 9 AM temp 71, cloudy & cooler today but still 74 at 6:30

This morning my knee was a little sore & I didn’t feel perfect so I skipped the pool today.  I did go up to the cabana for lunch & the music and I was feeling fine by then.  I dropped over to see Graham Jarvis in site 118 and asked him of the name of the new campground he was stayed at in Yuma.  It’s called Carefree, I want to know in case Sheila decides to do dental work in Algodonas, (Mexico) which is just over the border from Yuma.  It would be convenient, only minutes from Yuma to Algodonas.  You walk over the border so that saves a lot of waiting and rigmarole with taking a car over, (Mexican insurance plus possible searches etc)..  We have the Bee Gee’s concert tonight so we’ll just hang around the RV, have an early supper and then head over for it.

I enjoyed the Bee Gee’s but Sheila found it a bit loud so she left about ½ hour before the end. Yvonne got the last available ticket. We saw Tim & Kathy and also the couple we sat beside at the Polynesian pool party. I found that a lot of music that I liked and recognized was Bee Gee’s stuff, I just listened and never paid much attention to which group it was.  I always went by recognition, like I always knew if it was the Beatles.  I came back to the RV & it was quite warm walking at 9:30 at night, there wasn’t a chill in the air.  We watched CSI Cyber at 10.

tues 10 Mar Day 59

 Missed the morning temp but in the PM it was 92F on our outside thermometer, Sheila was out in the car & it was 30 C, 88 F, according to the car.  It didn’t feel that hot, I thought it was quite pleasant. 

We went out to Angie’s restaurant for the breakfast club outing, Paul & Yvonne went too, and we had a large crowd, about 24. Back at the park I dropped Sheila & Yvonne off at the pool, Paul decided to walk back, it wasn’t that far, maybe a mile or less. We did our game in the pool and both Paul & Yvonne joined in.  Then it was Larry Stevens for music and a cheese steak place at the cabana for lunch, (the cheese steak seems to be ground meat with stuff mixed in inside a large bun, quite good actually).  We arranged to have supper from everyone’s leftovers for spud night with a little added.  We got together with Larry & Judy at Paul & Yvonne’s trailer then after supper we all came up to our rig for a game of jokers & Pegs.  We found that we can sit 6 people around our table for games & it works fine.  Then just some TV for the rest of the evening.  

Mon 9 Mar Day 58

  60 F at 10 AM, 78 F by 1 PM

We got a call from Yvonne to say they are on route should be here around 1 to 2 PM.  So we went up to the pool for the game and then over to the cabana where we told Yvonne we would be.  They had an entertainer playing guitar & singing but no restaurant there today, so we alternated going back to the RV for some lunch.  About 2:30 Yvonne phoned again to say they were about 20 minutes out.  I met them in the office and after checking in I took Paul around to several spots so he could see one he liked & could easily get into.  He picked one, so we went back to the office to claim it, then they went to set up in their spot, (936), which is down the road from us.  Sheila got Chilli & other fixing’s ready for spud night tonight while I went to the Banquet Room to  meet with Gary & Janice who had got a table for the six of us..  Everyone arrived, we got our potatoes and had a good time with all the goodies everyone had made and brought.  Then they had Karaoke till after 7 PM.  Most of the performers were actually quite good. Afterwards, we came home to the RV for TV and Paul & Yvonne returned to their rig to settle in.

Sun 8 Mar Day 57

80 by 1 PM, clear, no clouds, 

I managed to make the pool by 10:40.  Sheila came a bit later—11ish.  We had a good game, there were 23 people there when I arrived so at least some people can get up extra early on this first daylight saving day.  Then we returned to the RV for lunch.
While sitting around after lunch Graham & Joanne Jarvis dropped by, they are in site 118.  The temp is holding at 80-81 through the afternoon.  No sign of Paul & Yvonne by 6 PM. We didn’t go to the Swiss Pairs Bridge in case Paul & Yvonne arrived.  We’re looking forward to seeing them. Sheila went out to Winco and brought back some fried chicken for me & some baked chicken for her.  Watched TV for the evening.

Sat Mar 7 Day 56

  62 F at 9 AM & climbing fast under clear sky, 80 in afternoon

Up as usual for the game and back to the RV for lunch.  We did a bean sprout omelette like I make at home with lots of ingredients.  Unlike home we don’t have a broiler to cook it under, (we do, but it is quite low as it is gas in the bottom of the oven and we can’t get the fry pan under it), so I tried Adeline’s suggestion of a pot lid over it.  It worked fairly well.  Tonight is the Margarita Ville Pool Party from 4 to 6.  We met with several friends, (Larry & Judy, Mike & Elaine, Gordon & Lynn), and got a place to set up our chairs on the pool deck.  The band started almost immediately and played till just after 6 with just one break.  They did a lot of Jimmy Buffet tunes. The music was really loud in front of the speakers where we were sitting, (note, yes we were in front of the speakers but across the pool plus 10 feet of pool deck on both sides), so Sheila wasn't able to be there until she had a couple of drinks under her belt.  The band was quite good, (after awhile, when the free margaritas kicked in they had people up dancing for every tune),  but I think of all the pool parties so far, we liked the Beach Boys one best, and they didn't feel the need to blast you into outer space with their music! (Sheila’s words not mine).  While there, we shared a cheese burger for supper. 

At 6, we returned to the RV and played bridge with Larry & Judy ‘til after 9, then had ice cream & strawberries that Judy brought over and then we all packed it in.  Tonight Daylight saving starts so we “lose” an hour’s sleep. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Fri 6 Mar Day 55

 over 60 F in the AM & by 2 PM up to 88 F (30 C)

Up & away to the pool for the game & hot tub, then home.  In the afternoon I went out shopping while Sheila stayed to do some chores.  Supper in the RV today.  Then we went over to the ELKS to check out who was playing for the Friday night dinner dance. We thought he was quite reasonable but we didn’t stay long as we found we were both tired.  Back home for the night.

Thurs 5 Mar Day 54

Mid 50’s at 9 AM, 62 by 10 AM

Clear blue sky so off to water VB.  A quick hot tub and back to RV for a quick lunch because I am heading out with Larry & Judy to the movie “Kingsmen”.  Sheila is going to go to Emilio’s for happy hour margaritas & the neat appetisers they give you.  “Kingsmen” was a great movie, a bit like the old Bond movies with Roger Moore, lots of humour and when people got killed there was not a lot of spattered blood every where, I recommend it. I came back to GVP after the movie, picked up my car & went to get Sheila at Emilio’s where she was with a group from GVP and we then went out for supper.  We used some more Carl’s Jr. coupons.  Then home. Tonight there is a 7 PM volley ball game planned so I’m going up to it, playing in the dark by moonlight, it’s a full moon tonight..  The game went well; we had over 20 people out for it.  We played ‘till about 8:30. There was no wind & with the warm pool water the outside air didn’t seem too cold but it was a coldish walk from the pool to the showers after coming out of the pool all wet.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Wed 4 Mar Day 53

 clear blue sky, cool in early AM, then sunny & warm all day

It was cool in the morning a bit over 50 at 9 AM but warmed rapidly. Up to the pool for the 10 AM VB game, then hot tub, then listening to Larry Stevens play at the Cabana till 2:00, then home.  Sheila went out in the afternoon to get stuff of some sort & check that Villa del Sol Mobile Home Estates on Acacia St. still offers storage for RV’s.  It does, for $40/mo.  I lazed around the RV.  When Sheila returned, we had a light supper then watched TV in the evening & did the blog etc.--a quiet night. On TV this evening Sheila wants to watch ”The Voice” running 8 to 10, I want to watch “Criminal Minds” 9 to 10.  Guess what?  We have 2 TV’s, so Sheila watches the big front one & I watch the bedroom one.  I think it’s a 20 inch screen diagonally; it is 9 inches high & 16 inches wide. Yes, we are really roughing it in our RV. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Tues 3 Mar. Day 52

                                                        SHEILA’S BIRTHDAY

The sun is back! It was cold at night and by 10:10 was only 56 F.  Today was Breakfast Club day. We went with Larry & Judy to the Seven Hills Golf Clubhouse for their breakfast--$10.80 for the 2 of us incl. tea, coffee & sales tax! It was a big breakfast too. Then back to GVP & into the pool for VB.  When we got back from the pool at 12:30 it was 64 in the shade under our awning and the RV inside was up to 76 with the windows closed.  We didn’t bother with lunch because we were full from breakfast.  We left GVP with Larry & Judy about 3 PM heading to Temecula.  Sheila wanted to walk around the old town a bit before supper.  So we did.  We discovered that Old Temecula was established in 1859 as a depot for the Butterfield Stage line. Temecula is an Indian word meaning, “sunlight through the mist”.  The entire valley was given that name by a chief of the local Indian tribe.
After our walk & picture-taking, it was off to Red Lobster for Sheila’s Birthday feast. We had a great dinner.  Sheila wanted to take a bottle of Champagne to the restaurant because the champagne that all restaurants mostly stock is a dry one and she likes it sweet.  She phoned them to see what the rigmarole would be to bring it & the cost.  The answer: no problem, no cost.  So into the restaurant we went, plunked the bottle on the table, and asked the waitress for 4 champagne glasses which they brought over. I undid the wire on the top of the bottle in prep to getting the top off and set it aside. Several minutes later there was a loud “POP”; the cork flew up, bounced off the ceiling, and landed on the floor, startling everyone around us.

 We had a wonderful lobster dinner--both Sheila & I had Lobster Bisque soup followed by the “Duelling Lobsters” dish which was 2 lobster tails, one topped with crab meat & one with shrimp both with a nice sauce. Sheila even got a free dessert – her pick from the dessert menu.  She chose Apple Cobbler with ice cream. It was served on a large platter with “Happy Birthday Sheila” written in chocolate with strawberry hearts, it was a really nice presentation. The waitresses were all very nice and three of them sang Happy Birthday to her, (with us accompanying them). It was a nice evening. And between Sheila, Judy & Larry the champagne was finished and then I drove everyone home.  We got a SKYPE from Michael, Adeline & the kids about 9:45 with everyone, even William, wishing her a “Happy BD”.  Then Sheila got to open her present from them that I had set on the table before we went out, tantalizing her with what she hoped it was.  It was more than just photographs—it was 4 placemats with 4 different photos of the family—something she had put on her “wish lists”  a couple of times.  She was flabbergasted at the detail & clearness of the pictures on the place mats and was thrilled to get them. She said it  was one of the best birthdays she’d ever had. The Skype call and their birthday gift were definitely the “icing on the cake” of  a wonderful day! 
Table set for company

Table as we have it for just us

In Temecula in old town area

The champagne toast on Sheila's birthday

History of the name and the town

Sheila Judy Larry in front of a old building

More of old town, might have been the old Butterfield stage station

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Mon 2 mar Day 51

It was 52 F  at 9 AM and the sun is  coming out.

It looks a lot better this morning so off to the pool I go for the 10 AM start.  Sheila went up for the early morning Zumba at 8:00 and she set up with the office for a propane delivery today sometime, so after she got back from Zumba and I left for VB, she stayed in the RV to wait for the delivery.  We had over 20 people out for Volleyball.  About 11:15, more or less, it started to sprinkle and got heavier.  We played right to our noon stop and then some of us sat in the hot tub in the pouring rain.  It isn't a cold rain so rain drops on your head, (hat actually), aren't cold. Even walking over to the change room it isn't cold.  (Bren’s opinion—probably wouldn't be mine.—Sheila)  Back at the RV we had lunch then Sheila went out for a nail polish change.  By 2 PM it stopped raining and the sun is out with a mix of blue sky & some thin cloud.  The propane truck arrived about 3 PM & put in 11.3 USG.  The gauge was reading on the E for empty but everything still worked. One day, I will run it right out to see what the usable tank capacity actually is.  Because of regulations it only gets filled ¾ full so the capacity in the manual is meaningless.  I went to the crib tournament in the evening.  We played 6 games each with a different partner and logged our scores. There was a $1 entry fee which went to the prizes.  I didn't win anything.  I won 3 of the games but the ones I lost were by a big enough difference to keep me out of the money.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Sun 1 Mar Day 50

rain in AM, on & off drizzle, spotty rain all day but mild, 60F

Got up to a light but continuous rain so we did not go up to the pool, first day in over two weeks we haven’t been in the pool.  We did laundry and assorted jobs around the RV. Sheila phoned Paul & Yvonne & got through OK. We watched a DVD movie in the afternoon - Robin Williams in RV - which we had seen but it is a great movie, plus the DVD has all the extrs on it.  Then went out to Carl Jr’s for supper using the coupon book I bought off Neva, (a fund raiser her granddaughter was selling).  Then Bridge with Sally Brown as my partner in the Swiss pairs. (Sheila wanted to stay in the RV to watch “Downton Abby” but turned out we don’t get that station).  At Bridge Sally & I weren’t in the top 4 but close.  Then back to the RV.  It’s really cold, down to 50 at night, (temps 50 to 54 are equivalent to the low teens Celsius), and looking like more drizzle tomorrow but the forecast is for hot weather later in the week

Sat 28 Feb Day 49

cloudy, overcast, 56 @ 9 AM, 60 @ 10.   It hit 62 or 63 in the PM but that was it.

As I opened the door to go out to the pool it started to sprinkle so I came back in but it stopped after 10 minutes and was looking bright out with the sun coming through the clouds.  So, up to the pool I went.  By 11:15 enough people had arrived to split into the other pool for 4 teams of 6 or 7 each.  Sheila stayed in the pool for an extra 20 mins after noon swimming & doing water exercises then joined me in the hot tub. After the hot tub it’s back to the RV for lunch. Temp is  just over 60, but there is no wind, no showers so it is nice with a bit of blue sky showing here & there.  In the afternoon Sheila had a nap while I puttered around doing odd fix-it etc jobs.  Late afternoon I went out to Winco to get one of their roast chickens for supper, ($5.48), plus some other stuff. Back at the RV after supper, we got ready to go out to the dance in the ballroom here.   They had a western group called ‘Trail Mix Band’.  They were good musicians and played good music, (not enough Rock & Roll for Sheila), but they did play some & did it well. It was drizzling a fine mist as we left the dance and headed back to the RV.  I wonder if we’ll get the rain predicted for tomorrow.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Fri 27 Feb Day 48

outside thermometer is 60 F @ 9 AM, 68 by 1:30

Sunny in early AM then cloud came in and a slight breeze.  It was fine in the pool which is heated to 88 F, (hot tubs are 104, 101, & 100).  We had a good game and I had a long hot tub because I waited a bit too long--the men’s showers were closed for cleaning 12:30 to 1:30, so I waited in the hot tub.  Then back to the RV for some snacks.  Overcast all afternoon, cooler but no wind, down to 60 F by 4:30 but here you don’t have the dampness to make it feel cold when the temp drops a bit. Sheila went out to Walgreens drug store while I stayed home to catch up on computer stuff. We made an egg scramble for supper, (without a good broiler in the oven I can’t make one of my omelettes so it gets to be a scramble as I have to turn it over to cook), and then went to the Wine tasting starting at 6:00.  They had a singer Bruce Glover and he brought a girl singer with him.  They sang & performed really well together and were very entertaining---good enough for Vegas Sheila says.  The cool Jazz & Motown songs were a refreshing change from Country & Country Rock which is so popular down here.  The wine was de-alcoholised wine so Sheila suggested I should try some. They were serving, it free, (no charge at all), in 1 ounce or less, plastic shot glasses. I tried one that I couldn’t find any mention of alcohol content on, the others said “less than ½ of 1 % alcohol by volume” so I didn’t try them.  One was really good, nice & sweet, and Sheila went up to ask for an empty bottle so she could ID it and buy some - - they gave her an almost full bottle, it was a white Moscato.  When we got back to the RV I discovered some very small white printing on the white label that said “contains less than ½ of 1% alcohol”.  Too bad, it was delicious!  We came back to the RV after the entertainers finished about 8 PM.  While at the patio for the tasting they had propane heaters set up & we sat under one & were quite warm & comfortable, it wasn’t that cold out anyway, (my opinion—not Sheila’s).  However, looking up--the clouds were going past the moon at a good clip, so who knows what might blow in during the night!  Back at the RV, the LA news broadcast featured a long segment on the resurgence of vinyl records. They are being produced & sold as more stores open. Our old records are coming back and may one day be valuable!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Thurs 26 Feb day 47

clear & sunny, but cool, (low 60’s)

Up & off to the VB game, Sheila came about ½ hour late.  After the game & hot tub session Sheila stayed to watch a bit of today’s singer, Ricky B. and I came back to the RV for lunch.  I tried again to figure out the phone & finally did.  I called Ken to check & it worked.  I re-wrote the instructions so they were clear.  Then we headed out with Larry & Judy to Emilio’s for the Thursday afternoon happy hour, giant margaritas $3.00 & free nibblies, with several people from GVP.  We left there about 4:45 & headed back to the movie theatre for the Thursday senior day special, ($5.50), for the movie “McFarland, USA”.  It turned out to be an interesting movie and I quite liked it.  Sheila loved it!  It’s based on a true story of a PE teacher who recognized the talent & determination of a group of Mexican boys from poor families, turned them into a winning Cross Country Running team, which gave them the confidence to go onto college & a better life.   After the movie, we went to Angie’s Diner again for their Thursday BBQ rib special, Even Sheila had the ribs. Then home to the RV in time for “Blacklist” on TV.