Thursday, March 19, 2015

Mon 16 Mar Day 64

I am up and way at 9 AM with Larry & Dick to Costco in Temecula to pick up the dessert cakes for tonight. Sheila went up for the game, they had 10 a side in 2 pools.  We got back at noon after stopping at Costco long enough for a hot dog & drink for $1.50 & a large ice cream strawberry sunday for $1.65. It is still nice & hot, (not necessarily Sheila’s words), for example at 3 PM, the outside temp is 98, inside is 84 with A/C on & set for 75.  Earlier Yvonne brought over a bunch of food stuffs they can’t take with them, (their trailer will be in storage in Phoenix for a month in hot temps so they can’t leave anything perishable in it).
At 2:00. Sheila went up to the clubhouse to help decorate the ballroom for tonight’s St. Pat’s Dinner.  She helped put the green plastic tablecloths on the 40 tables, & then with a very nice couple decorated the front of the stage. She returned sometime after 3:30, to get some nibblies organized for tonight & dress in her St. Pat’s finery.

At 5:00 I went up to the St Pats Day corned beef & all the trimmings dinner event in the ballroom, Sheila made it by 5:30 when they started to call tables up to get your food.  After dinner, we had Larry Stevens entertaining and though he is normally a country/western pop singer he had learned a bunch of Irish songs which people were enthusiastically singing along to.  They drew door prize numbers--2 people on our table of 8 won but we didn't.  We came home about 8:30 or so, after Sheila helped clean up & put decorations away for next year.  We  watched Mike & Molly, Scorpion & Castle on TV, Then Sheila watched a bit of the News Hour where they reported the LA has had 4 days of record breaking high temps, into the 90’s, (30+C).

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