Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Mon 2 mar Day 51

It was 52 F  at 9 AM and the sun is  coming out.

It looks a lot better this morning so off to the pool I go for the 10 AM start.  Sheila went up for the early morning Zumba at 8:00 and she set up with the office for a propane delivery today sometime, so after she got back from Zumba and I left for VB, she stayed in the RV to wait for the delivery.  We had over 20 people out for Volleyball.  About 11:15, more or less, it started to sprinkle and got heavier.  We played right to our noon stop and then some of us sat in the hot tub in the pouring rain.  It isn't a cold rain so rain drops on your head, (hat actually), aren't cold. Even walking over to the change room it isn't cold.  (Bren’s opinion—probably wouldn't be mine.—Sheila)  Back at the RV we had lunch then Sheila went out for a nail polish change.  By 2 PM it stopped raining and the sun is out with a mix of blue sky & some thin cloud.  The propane truck arrived about 3 PM & put in 11.3 USG.  The gauge was reading on the E for empty but everything still worked. One day, I will run it right out to see what the usable tank capacity actually is.  Because of regulations it only gets filled ¾ full so the capacity in the manual is meaningless.  I went to the crib tournament in the evening.  We played 6 games each with a different partner and logged our scores. There was a $1 entry fee which went to the prizes.  I didn't win anything.  I won 3 of the games but the ones I lost were by a big enough difference to keep me out of the money.

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