Monday, March 23, 2015

Sun 22 Mar Day 70

 58 F @ 8:30 overcast, 76 F by 12:30 mostly clear blue sky

At the pool for the game, we only had 22 out today as more people are leaving, so we stayed in one pool.  A lot of people come down here in Nov, Dec, or early Jan so they’ve been here several months by late March & some are headed elsewhere before heading home just as we used to do, for example, going to Phoenix & Mesa for a cpl weeks, then Vegas for a week before going towards home). By mid-April most of the snowbirds have left.  We came back to the RV for lunch and today are headed for the Elks this afternoon for their 4 to 7 drop-in Sunday dinner dance with Larry Stevens playing.  We are meeting Tim & Karen at the hall.  They are from Willits, north of San Fran & near Clear Lake California.  We met them a few years ago down here.  We had a good time and a nice dinner and home by 7:30 to 8:00. We spent the evening in the RV.

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