Friday, March 27, 2015

Mon 23 Mar Day 71

only 64 at 10:15 but warming nicely under a clear sky

At the pool we had one pool with 10 a side as people slowly leave the park.  Sheila stayed at the RV to vacuum & dust the interior of the car, (we borrowed Larry’s shop vac as ours is at home on leak standby).  After the game we had lunch at the RV and now Sheila is off looking at bathing suits while I putter around in the RV, vacuuming the floors & carpeting.  Sheila brought some chicken back for supper plus she made a nice salad. Sheila found a couple of suits at local thrift stores but at least one isn’t suitable so it’s going back. I went over to Monday night cribbage but didn’t place in the top 3 so no prize.   Back at the RV I’m waiting for Sheila to finish D. with Stars so we can watch Castle; so I watched something on the rear TV.


  1. Do you find that you guys are one of the last to leave (of the people who don't stay year round)?

    1. Close to it but some of the Americans who come down in November are here to the end of April, even some Canadians stay till well into April, but it is thinning out.
