Monday, March 2, 2015

Fri 27 Feb Day 48

outside thermometer is 60 F @ 9 AM, 68 by 1:30

Sunny in early AM then cloud came in and a slight breeze.  It was fine in the pool which is heated to 88 F, (hot tubs are 104, 101, & 100).  We had a good game and I had a long hot tub because I waited a bit too long--the men’s showers were closed for cleaning 12:30 to 1:30, so I waited in the hot tub.  Then back to the RV for some snacks.  Overcast all afternoon, cooler but no wind, down to 60 F by 4:30 but here you don’t have the dampness to make it feel cold when the temp drops a bit. Sheila went out to Walgreens drug store while I stayed home to catch up on computer stuff. We made an egg scramble for supper, (without a good broiler in the oven I can’t make one of my omelettes so it gets to be a scramble as I have to turn it over to cook), and then went to the Wine tasting starting at 6:00.  They had a singer Bruce Glover and he brought a girl singer with him.  They sang & performed really well together and were very entertaining---good enough for Vegas Sheila says.  The cool Jazz & Motown songs were a refreshing change from Country & Country Rock which is so popular down here.  The wine was de-alcoholised wine so Sheila suggested I should try some. They were serving, it free, (no charge at all), in 1 ounce or less, plastic shot glasses. I tried one that I couldn’t find any mention of alcohol content on, the others said “less than ½ of 1 % alcohol by volume” so I didn’t try them.  One was really good, nice & sweet, and Sheila went up to ask for an empty bottle so she could ID it and buy some - - they gave her an almost full bottle, it was a white Moscato.  When we got back to the RV I discovered some very small white printing on the white label that said “contains less than ½ of 1% alcohol”.  Too bad, it was delicious!  We came back to the RV after the entertainers finished about 8 PM.  While at the patio for the tasting they had propane heaters set up & we sat under one & were quite warm & comfortable, it wasn’t that cold out anyway, (my opinion—not Sheila’s).  However, looking up--the clouds were going past the moon at a good clip, so who knows what might blow in during the night!  Back at the RV, the LA news broadcast featured a long segment on the resurgence of vinyl records. They are being produced & sold as more stores open. Our old records are coming back and may one day be valuable!


  1. Have you tried covering the pan with a pot lid on the stovetop when you make your omelette?

    1. That's a good idea, we have a large pot lid that will fit the frying pan. I will let you know how it works next time we make an omlet
