Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Sun 15 Mar Day 63

 70 at 9 AM again today

Up & off to the pool.  As people are starting to leave around now, (some have been here since Nov/Dec or so), we got less out for water volleyball. We did have a full pool, (23), but only one pool.  Larry came up & videoed us with my camera so depending on how it turned out I may post some of it in the blog if I can.  There is a 2 PM game with the land volleyballers that Sheila stayed for.  I didn’t as my knee is a bit sore from all the dancing I did at the Palms Academy on Fri & Jon Destry’s dance on Sat.  I have it wrapped with an elastic cloth bandage.  It doesn’t hurt hardly at all; it is just a bit stiff to bend so walking & going up & down stairs is the only real impediment and that is minor. I came back to the RV after Hot tub & shower & when I went out to get milk etc the dashboard thermometer in the car said 32 C.  We are going out for an early supper with Larry, Judy, Paul, & Yvonne this afternoon.  We all have the Sunday night Swiss Pairs Bridge this evening starting at 6:30.  We had a nice supper at Angies, then returned to the park for Bridge.  We had 5 tables playing, and we never got Larry & Judy or Paul & Yvonne once in five table changes.  After Bridge, Paul & Yvonne dropped in for a few minutes, for fruit salad & cake.   They will be leaving right after the St. Pats Dinner event, probably around 7 PM, and heading to the Fantasy Springs Casino parking lot for the night prior to heading to Phoenix.  At Phoenix, they leave their truck & trailer in storage before flying to Ft. Lauderdale to take a cruise to the Mediterranean.  After touring Italy, they fly back to Phoenix & travel home via the Grand Canyon with a side trip possibly to part of the Oregon Trail called Independence Rock.  They expect to be back home in Canada around May 15.

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