Saturday, March 7, 2015

Wed 4 Mar Day 53

 clear blue sky, cool in early AM, then sunny & warm all day

It was cool in the morning a bit over 50 at 9 AM but warmed rapidly. Up to the pool for the 10 AM VB game, then hot tub, then listening to Larry Stevens play at the Cabana till 2:00, then home.  Sheila went out in the afternoon to get stuff of some sort & check that Villa del Sol Mobile Home Estates on Acacia St. still offers storage for RV’s.  It does, for $40/mo.  I lazed around the RV.  When Sheila returned, we had a light supper then watched TV in the evening & did the blog etc.--a quiet night. On TV this evening Sheila wants to watch ”The Voice” running 8 to 10, I want to watch “Criminal Minds” 9 to 10.  Guess what?  We have 2 TV’s, so Sheila watches the big front one & I watch the bedroom one.  I think it’s a 20 inch screen diagonally; it is 9 inches high & 16 inches wide. Yes, we are really roughing it in our RV. 


  1. Are you planning on a trip without your RV that leaves from that area?

    1. No, I see the confusion because of the storage thing. Good question.. That was for Paul & Yvonne's benefit. They are going from here to Phoenix to catch a plane to Fort Lauderdale to catch a ship to Europe, (re-positioning voyage), for a months holiday and they will store the truck & trailer in Phoenix area. They then fly back to Phoenix.

    2. Ahh, I see!
      On another note, I sent Bren an email a couple days ago and I wanted to check if it was received?
