Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Sat 28 Feb Day 49

cloudy, overcast, 56 @ 9 AM, 60 @ 10.   It hit 62 or 63 in the PM but that was it.

As I opened the door to go out to the pool it started to sprinkle so I came back in but it stopped after 10 minutes and was looking bright out with the sun coming through the clouds.  So, up to the pool I went.  By 11:15 enough people had arrived to split into the other pool for 4 teams of 6 or 7 each.  Sheila stayed in the pool for an extra 20 mins after noon swimming & doing water exercises then joined me in the hot tub. After the hot tub it’s back to the RV for lunch. Temp is  just over 60, but there is no wind, no showers so it is nice with a bit of blue sky showing here & there.  In the afternoon Sheila had a nap while I puttered around doing odd fix-it etc jobs.  Late afternoon I went out to Winco to get one of their roast chickens for supper, ($5.48), plus some other stuff. Back at the RV after supper, we got ready to go out to the dance in the ballroom here.   They had a western group called ‘Trail Mix Band’.  They were good musicians and played good music, (not enough Rock & Roll for Sheila), but they did play some & did it well. It was drizzling a fine mist as we left the dance and headed back to the RV.  I wonder if we’ll get the rain predicted for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. How does the roast chicken from Winco compare to the Costco ones? I find I've liked the Costco ones better than ones from Safeway, for example.
