Friday, March 27, 2015

Thurs 26 Mar Cay 74

 “here come d’ heat wave”  "here come d' heat wave"  It’s 76 at 10 AM

Up & off to the pool for our game in the sun.  No music or food at the cabana today, they may be finished for the season, (the snowbird season is mostly from mid-Nov through to about the end of March).   Back at the RV Sheila has gone out for groceries while I sit in the RV with A/C running.  Thursday is Happy Hour at Emilio’s so we are off with Larry & Judy at about 2:45 to be there around 3 PM followed by a movie at cheap rates, ($5.50). We are going to “Focus”.  We will follow that with a dinner out, with Larry & Judy. The movie was OK, Will Smith was good and it was neat seeing how “grifters—con men & pickpockets work together. Then we went to Abby’s Café, where we had a gift cert for $25.00 that Sheila won in a raffle at the Medical Fair event a month ago.  We had a nice meal and we split the gift card with Larry & Judy as it was Larry’s birthday coming up on April 5. It was a nice family place, est. in 1910, and the food was very good.  Sheila had grilled catfish for the first time & she said it was very flavourful and cooked to perfection.  We would go again if it was a little closer to GVP; it is clear on the east side of town, over 6 miles away.  After that we came home about 9:00 PM for TV for the evening.  A full, but fun day!

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