Friday, March 20, 2015

Wed 18 Mar Day 66

 8 AM 62 F & a little scattered thin cloud, PM clearing & hot

Sheila was up early for Zumba today.  Just as I got to the pool we hit the 24 mark so we split into 2 pools.  Larry Stevens was playing so I sat with Sheri and Sheila joined us shortly so we had lunch and music today.  Back to the RV and then Sheila went out to the store to get her sparkly green finger nails returned to normal. I stayed at the RV doing household chores.  Sheila returned with her green nails intact.  The nail place did not have the blue shade she wanted; she did but the bottle was back in the RV, so it’s postponed till tomorrow.  We had supper & watched TV in the evening.  Having 2 TV’s is working well; there was a show about the story behind Sound of Music by Diane Sawyer who is a big NBC correspondent and at the same time as CSI Cyber. Sheila said the Sound of Music story was very interesting, she’s glad she watched it.

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