Friday, March 27, 2015

Wed 25 Mar Day 72

62 @ 8:45, 68 @ 9:45, 90 @ 1 PM

As usual up & away to the pool where we are still getting around 20 out each day.  In the afternoon Sheila stayed at the RV while I went out to get a slow leak in one of the Focus tires fixed and ran a couple of other errands.  Back to the RV around 3:30, Sheila was napping with the A/C running.  The interior stays in the mid to upper 70’s and is reasonable.  Sheila went out to see some people in the park & get some info at the office, and when she came back around 5:30 pm, she said the thermometer fixed to the exterior of the RV, while in the sun, was topped out at 120F/50C, whereas the car dashboard thermometer was only at 28 C which is about 84 F. so, it seems the exterior of the RV does heat up in the afternoon sun & it does affect the accuracy of the temp reading.  The morning is fine and the temp is probably accurate up to 1 or 2 PM as the sun rises on the opposite side of the RV and then slowly moves around to the front and then the thermometer side.  Tonight will be a TV night for us.  Sitting around with the door & windows open, it is quite comfortable inside. The LA news said they are going to have another heat wave this week for a few days.

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