Saturday, March 14, 2015

tues 10 Mar Day 59

 Missed the morning temp but in the PM it was 92F on our outside thermometer, Sheila was out in the car & it was 30 C, 88 F, according to the car.  It didn’t feel that hot, I thought it was quite pleasant. 

We went out to Angie’s restaurant for the breakfast club outing, Paul & Yvonne went too, and we had a large crowd, about 24. Back at the park I dropped Sheila & Yvonne off at the pool, Paul decided to walk back, it wasn’t that far, maybe a mile or less. We did our game in the pool and both Paul & Yvonne joined in.  Then it was Larry Stevens for music and a cheese steak place at the cabana for lunch, (the cheese steak seems to be ground meat with stuff mixed in inside a large bun, quite good actually).  We arranged to have supper from everyone’s leftovers for spud night with a little added.  We got together with Larry & Judy at Paul & Yvonne’s trailer then after supper we all came up to our rig for a game of jokers & Pegs.  We found that we can sit 6 people around our table for games & it works fine.  Then just some TV for the rest of the evening.  


  1. Replies
    1. A game played with 3 or 4 decks of cards and a board with pegs to move as per the card you select. We have the game, we'll show you when we return
