Saturday, March 14, 2015

Wed 11 Mar Day 60

 9 AM temp 71, cloudy & cooler today but still 74 at 6:30

This morning my knee was a little sore & I didn’t feel perfect so I skipped the pool today.  I did go up to the cabana for lunch & the music and I was feeling fine by then.  I dropped over to see Graham Jarvis in site 118 and asked him of the name of the new campground he was stayed at in Yuma.  It’s called Carefree, I want to know in case Sheila decides to do dental work in Algodonas, (Mexico) which is just over the border from Yuma.  It would be convenient, only minutes from Yuma to Algodonas.  You walk over the border so that saves a lot of waiting and rigmarole with taking a car over, (Mexican insurance plus possible searches etc)..  We have the Bee Gee’s concert tonight so we’ll just hang around the RV, have an early supper and then head over for it.

I enjoyed the Bee Gee’s but Sheila found it a bit loud so she left about ½ hour before the end. Yvonne got the last available ticket. We saw Tim & Kathy and also the couple we sat beside at the Polynesian pool party. I found that a lot of music that I liked and recognized was Bee Gee’s stuff, I just listened and never paid much attention to which group it was.  I always went by recognition, like I always knew if it was the Beatles.  I came back to the RV & it was quite warm walking at 9:30 at night, there wasn’t a chill in the air.  We watched CSI Cyber at 10.

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