Friday, March 20, 2015

Tues 17 Mar Day 65

   a little cloud but mostly sun

We forgot to check temps in the morning over the last few days; I think we are settling into a relaxed way of life here. We picked up Larry & Judy and were off to JR’s café at State St. & 7th for the breakfast club outing.  After we came back, we went up for Volley ball and as there was no live music today at the cabana we came back to the RV for the afternoon, didn’t need a lunch after a big breakfast, (I had the waffle special which was a full waffle with lots of strawberries and a Kenneth amount of whipped cream plus 2 eggs, 2 sausage and toast, all for $6.49). We had a supper of left over corned beef that was given away at the end of the supper last night.  Then we are going to the Elks for their Karaoke night to check it out, cheap drinks and usually most of the singers are reasonably good.  The cloud has increased a little and a light breeze has sprung up sporadically.  However it is still 76 F at 6:15 PM.  The singers at the Elks weren’t up to usual standards but still sort of listenable but we left after about an hour & a half.  Back at the RV for TV for the evening. 

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