Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Sat 14 Mar Day 62

  it was up to 70 at 9 AM, no wind today

Sheila couldn’t go to the pool as they told her not to get her perm wet for a day, so I went up and we had a good game with one pool full, 11 to a side. Then back to the RV for lunch.  My knee seems to be bothering me a bit and is a little sore.  I put on an elastic bandage & it seems to help, it doesn’t ache or is painful at all, just a bit stiff going up & down stairs.  After lunch I just relaxed, Sheila worked on the journal so I can get it published on the blog, I’m about a week or more behind! Sheila went out to Winco for supplies & I sort of dozed sitting in the comfy front seat recliner.  When she came back she said the external car thermometer was a constant 33 C which is 91 F.  We had a small bite for supper then off to the Jon Destry dance. He was as entertaining as ever, Sheila says she would rather go to one of his dances with all the neat funny skits & stuff he does that one of the big expensive tribute shows.  

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