Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Thurs 5 Mar Day 54

Mid 50’s at 9 AM, 62 by 10 AM

Clear blue sky so off to water VB.  A quick hot tub and back to RV for a quick lunch because I am heading out with Larry & Judy to the movie “Kingsmen”.  Sheila is going to go to Emilio’s for happy hour margaritas & the neat appetisers they give you.  “Kingsmen” was a great movie, a bit like the old Bond movies with Roger Moore, lots of humour and when people got killed there was not a lot of spattered blood every where, I recommend it. I came back to GVP after the movie, picked up my car & went to get Sheila at Emilio’s where she was with a group from GVP and we then went out for supper.  We used some more Carl’s Jr. coupons.  Then home. Tonight there is a 7 PM volley ball game planned so I’m going up to it, playing in the dark by moonlight, it’s a full moon tonight..  The game went well; we had over 20 people out for it.  We played ‘till about 8:30. There was no wind & with the warm pool water the outside air didn’t seem too cold but it was a coldish walk from the pool to the showers after coming out of the pool all wet.

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