Monday, March 23, 2015

Sat 21 Mar Day 69

62 F @ 8 AM, car thermometer shows 28 C (83 F) @ 2:45

We went up for our game & today we had enough people to split into 2 pools with 6 a side in each.  After the game there was great music at the cabana, (Rob Robinson) so we had a tasty Mexican lunch there and stayed till 2 PM when I needed to go to Winco for supplies & Sheila needed to do laundry.  It gets quite hot in the RV these hot day afternoons, like 85 F & up, so we are using the A/C quite a bit.  Last months electric bill was $39.00, it’ll be interesting to see if this month is higher, (more A/C but less furnace).  We had a small supper, mostly salad, and got set up for Larry & Judy to come over for Bridge.  Our rig works really well for playing Bridge & is nice & roomy for ‘after Bridge’ snack time.  We played for two sets of 6 hands, changing partners after each 6 hands.  As usual, Sheila & I did not manage to draw each other as partners. We had a nice evening with fruit salad & ice cream for afters. You can get 3 types of vanilla here – vanilla, extra creamy vanilla, & homemade style vanilla.  We have no idea what the difference is--neither do Larry & Judy.

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