Monday, March 30, 2015

Sat 28 Mar Day 76

 9 AM 66 F,  1:45 PM in RV (windows open, A/C off) it’s 91 F

It didn’t get cold enough last night to warrant putting the furnace on in the morning even with the windows open all night.  We left them open when we went up to the pool.  Michelle Murray was playing & they had a Mexican kitchen doing food so we stayed for all that, getting back to the RV about 1:45.  We started the A/C - both of them - and the inside temp is coming down reasonably fast.  Larry & Judy have gone to Yuma to visit friends so we get to go over to their RV, feed & play with their 2 cats till Tues when they return.  Larry has a satellite dish & a DVR hooked up so we can catch up on some TV shows.  I’ve gotten spoiled by being able to zap through commercials, pause & rewind TV shows at home so I may look into a satellite dish for the RV.   After all there is a limit to how much “roughing it” I want to do.  In the afternoon Sheila took a nap (with A/C on in bedroom) and then went out to Winco. When she came back she said that the dash thermometer was reading 30 C, 86 F.  I had a short nap late in the afternoon.  The heat makes you tired I guess, we aren’t doing that much energetic stuff after Water VB.  After supper in the RV Sheila wanted to watch a skating show so I went over to check on the cats at Larry’s RV. Angel & Annabelle were fine & enjoyed the company; I stayed for a cpl hours while Sheila watched her skating.  The really bright “object” that I saw in the sky last night was back in the same place as last night but it was gone a cpl hour’s later.  It didn’t appear to be moving very fast, if at all, except that is was gone later in the evening.


  1. Lol, you guys are in an RV - I don't think you can consider yourselves "roughing it"! 😜

  2. We are so "roughing it" !!!!. We have no dishwasher & we have to go out to do laundry. Also unless we are in an RV park we have no cable TV and what stations we do pick up on the aerial are usually Spanish. We have a small fridge & have to go shopping more that once every week or so like at home. I don't know how we manage sometimes. it's a rough life but we persevere.
