Saturday, March 14, 2015

Mon 9 Mar Day 58

  60 F at 10 AM, 78 F by 1 PM

We got a call from Yvonne to say they are on route should be here around 1 to 2 PM.  So we went up to the pool for the game and then over to the cabana where we told Yvonne we would be.  They had an entertainer playing guitar & singing but no restaurant there today, so we alternated going back to the RV for some lunch.  About 2:30 Yvonne phoned again to say they were about 20 minutes out.  I met them in the office and after checking in I took Paul around to several spots so he could see one he liked & could easily get into.  He picked one, so we went back to the office to claim it, then they went to set up in their spot, (936), which is down the road from us.  Sheila got Chilli & other fixing’s ready for spud night tonight while I went to the Banquet Room to  meet with Gary & Janice who had got a table for the six of us..  Everyone arrived, we got our potatoes and had a good time with all the goodies everyone had made and brought.  Then they had Karaoke till after 7 PM.  Most of the performers were actually quite good. Afterwards, we came home to the RV for TV and Paul & Yvonne returned to their rig to settle in.

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