Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Sun 1 Mar Day 50

rain in AM, on & off drizzle, spotty rain all day but mild, 60F

Got up to a light but continuous rain so we did not go up to the pool, first day in over two weeks we haven’t been in the pool.  We did laundry and assorted jobs around the RV. Sheila phoned Paul & Yvonne & got through OK. We watched a DVD movie in the afternoon - Robin Williams in RV - which we had seen but it is a great movie, plus the DVD has all the extrs on it.  Then went out to Carl Jr’s for supper using the coupon book I bought off Neva, (a fund raiser her granddaughter was selling).  Then Bridge with Sally Brown as my partner in the Swiss pairs. (Sheila wanted to stay in the RV to watch “Downton Abby” but turned out we don’t get that station).  At Bridge Sally & I weren’t in the top 4 but close.  Then back to the RV.  It’s really cold, down to 50 at night, (temps 50 to 54 are equivalent to the low teens Celsius), and looking like more drizzle tomorrow but the forecast is for hot weather later in the week

1 comment:

  1. Ha, "really cold at night"? We've had temps in the negatives at night here! And of course the snow in other parts of the country (and the US!), lol!
