Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Thurs 12 Mar Day 61

9 AM temp 62, 2 PM temp 90

Regarding the sometimes high PM temps, I think that they may be being pushed up by the thermometer being on the side of the RV.  It’s in the shade but when it gets quite hot I think that the RV body heats up & affects the thermometer.  Right now, 2:45 PM, the inside temp on the heat/A/C control reads 86.  Anyway, up to the pool for a good game.  Yvonne played as well as Paul.  Then Sheila came back to the RV while I stayed to listen to Michelle Murray sing and have lunch till 1:30.  Then--back to the RV to do some computer work before heading out to Emilio’s for Happy Hour about 2:45.  Then Sheila, Paul & Yvonne are going to a movie “Still Alice”, I’m not, but I will pick up Sheila after at the movie & we’ll decide whether to go out or come home for supper. When I got back to the RV the outside thermometer, which was in full sun because we had pulled in the awning as it was a bit breezy, was topped out at 120 F and the interior temp of the RV was 89 F!  I picked up Sheila about 7 PM and we came straight home. (Paul & Yvonne had decided to walk home from the movie).
  From her description of the movie it was not one I would want to see at all. (It’s the true story of a woman Linguistics professor & author who discovers she has early onset Dementia when she’s only 50.)  Juliette Moore, who played the lead won “Best Actress” at the Oscars & deservedly so said Sheila. 

At home, we watched B.B.T., Blacklist, & Elementary on TV.  The 11 PM news said LA was looking at a heat wave coming in the next few days.  There was also a wind warning for some areas. 

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