Friday, March 27, 2015

Tues 24 Mar Day 72

We got up early to make the Breakfast Club by 8:30.  Fortunately it is only about a 3 min drive.  When we left home the car thermometer read 11 C at 8:30, about 52 F, and then on returning to the car it read 16 C at 9:45, about 60 F.  So it does warm up reasonably quickly here and, soon it became a nice warm to hot day with a very little thin cloud. 

After breakfast, we went up to the pool for the game.  There was no music or food at the cabana today so we went back to the RV after the hot tub & showers/changing. Larry & Judy have gone to visit one of Judy’s relatives in Indio.  They recorded this weeks Scorpion and Mike & Molly as they have a dish and a PVR.  Larry gave me the key to their RV and instructions on running their PVR, or DVR as they call them in the States.  So seeing as we were full from breakfast, we went over & watched one show.  Then there was a 2 PM extra volleyball game scheduled as one of the players is leaving to head home & wanted one last game.  That went till 3:30 after which we did the usual hot tub.  When we got back to the RV we went back to Larry’s RV & watched our other show.  It all worked out well.  We had supper in our RV and prepared for an evening of TV & computer Journal/Blog writing etc.  Sheila was feeling really tired, so she lay down for while & slept from 6:30 until 10:20 pm!   

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