Saturday, March 14, 2015

Sat Mar 7 Day 56

  62 F at 9 AM & climbing fast under clear sky, 80 in afternoon

Up as usual for the game and back to the RV for lunch.  We did a bean sprout omelette like I make at home with lots of ingredients.  Unlike home we don’t have a broiler to cook it under, (we do, but it is quite low as it is gas in the bottom of the oven and we can’t get the fry pan under it), so I tried Adeline’s suggestion of a pot lid over it.  It worked fairly well.  Tonight is the Margarita Ville Pool Party from 4 to 6.  We met with several friends, (Larry & Judy, Mike & Elaine, Gordon & Lynn), and got a place to set up our chairs on the pool deck.  The band started almost immediately and played till just after 6 with just one break.  They did a lot of Jimmy Buffet tunes. The music was really loud in front of the speakers where we were sitting, (note, yes we were in front of the speakers but across the pool plus 10 feet of pool deck on both sides), so Sheila wasn't able to be there until she had a couple of drinks under her belt.  The band was quite good, (after awhile, when the free margaritas kicked in they had people up dancing for every tune),  but I think of all the pool parties so far, we liked the Beach Boys one best, and they didn't feel the need to blast you into outer space with their music! (Sheila’s words not mine).  While there, we shared a cheese burger for supper. 

At 6, we returned to the RV and played bridge with Larry & Judy ‘til after 9, then had ice cream & strawberries that Judy brought over and then we all packed it in.  Tonight Daylight saving starts so we “lose” an hour’s sleep. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay, I'm glad you were able to do your omelette. I find that my omelettes get quite fluffy initially when I use the pot lid.
