Saturday, March 14, 2015

Sun 8 Mar Day 57

80 by 1 PM, clear, no clouds, 

I managed to make the pool by 10:40.  Sheila came a bit later—11ish.  We had a good game, there were 23 people there when I arrived so at least some people can get up extra early on this first daylight saving day.  Then we returned to the RV for lunch.
While sitting around after lunch Graham & Joanne Jarvis dropped by, they are in site 118.  The temp is holding at 80-81 through the afternoon.  No sign of Paul & Yvonne by 6 PM. We didn’t go to the Swiss Pairs Bridge in case Paul & Yvonne arrived.  We’re looking forward to seeing them. Sheila went out to Winco and brought back some fried chicken for me & some baked chicken for her.  Watched TV for the evening.

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