Monday, March 30, 2015

Sun 29 Mar Day 77

 62 @ 8:45   90 by 12:30

We left all the windows open all night & didn’t turn on the furnace in the morning.  It was in the mid 60’s when we got up.  I went up to give the cats their breakfast etc. & they seemed happy to see someone.  I came back to the RV for breakfast and then went up to the pool for the game.  Sheila as usual followed about a ½ hr. later.  We are still getting enough for a good game with 8 or 9 a side.  Afterwards, it was back to the RV for lunch and kitty-duty check. After lunch Sheila lay down in the A/C’ed back bedroom for a nap.  The Bridge game tonight has been cancelled as not enough people signed up--the park is thinning out.

We decided to go to the Elks Sunday afternoon drop-in dinner dance.  It runs from 4 to 7pm.  They have a limited menu but it is good food. I had the best Liver & Onions I’ve ever had! Sheila’s Chicken Piccatta was also very good & the amount so generous she brought almost half of it home. The entertainer, Steve Knight was pleasant to listen to, (he was a good keyboardist) but not very good at playing dance music. 
Enroute there, the car thermometer read 32 C, 90 F, at about 4 PM. After we left the Elks we came back to the RV and Sheila watched a movie  on TV about the story of Christ which I wasn't interested in, so I went over to check on the cats and watched a cpl of B.B.T. episodes. When I returned, it turns out she got the times wrong & her show goes to 11 PM so I will watch the rear bedroom TV. 


  1. How often do your friends' cats need checking on? Or are they an excuse to watch their TV? Heehee.

    1. I feed them in the morning is all that's required but we seem to spend a bit of time there in the evenings to keep them company. Larry & Judy are due back today so it's only for 3 days.
